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Eyes and Neuropathy

Eye Conditions | Last Active: Dec 23, 2023 | Replies (299)

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Rachel @rwinney that is terrific news!! I look forward to hearing about your appointment at Mayo Jacksonville and seeing a Mayo opthamologist.

I was on a 4 month waiting list to see a Mayo opthamologist and being a little frustrated about the wait list and not being able to make an appointment with them in 2017 and 2019 (having to see a local regular eye doctor for glasses), I decided to see if I could get an appointment online. I requested one and then missed their call. Called them back late in the day last Friday and asked them what's the deal with the waiting list and does it change often. The lady told me it does change and I asked do you call people on the list when an opening occurs...then explained again I had an exam in 2015 where the doctor said I had the start of cataracts but only needed new glasses. Also told her I tried to see them in 2019 due to vision problems and was unable to make an appointment. The local eye doctor said she would rate my cataracts a 2 on a scale of 1 to 4 with 4 being bad. She said let me take a look at the schedule. Then she said how about July 15th at 7:30 am? Needless to say I said YES!

My sister who is 6 years younger than me just had cataract surgery on both of her eyes and had lenses implanted. She said it's strange waking up and reaching for her glasses that she no longer needs. That gives me lots of hope

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Replies to "Rachel @rwinney that is terrific news!! I look forward to hearing about your appointment at Mayo..."

@johnbishop Wow, wonderful news right back atcha! Yes, have hope. Cataract surgery was a huge benefit to me. It brought clarity and crisp color to my vision that I didnt know I had been missing which was like living in a whole new world!! I will never forget looking at my dog for the first time and seeing the vivid color of her fur and just how blue her eyes actually were. I was like a kid in a candy shop til I looked in the mirror and saw what my face (aging) really looked like! Haha, beware. I"m so happy you are scheduled. All the best. It's exciting! Regarding me seeing a Mayo Opthamologist...I shall keep hope alive but, will believe it when I see it.

@johnbishop Get ready for surprises. First of all I noticed abstract paintings evolving from my brain through my eyes beautifully. We even got the solemn anesthetist laughing about the LSD trip. Cataract surgery is not discomforting at all. Just make sure you have the eye cover on so you don’t touch your eye. You may have them put in one week apart. After that your views may stop you in your tracks.

After some time, what you lose is contrast. I use my cell phone light to enhance the contrast so I can read the menu in a dimly lit romantic restaurant. I also got a pair of cheaters for similar situations. And you do have to use the gel tears that have been in the frig so nothing stings.

Now if you need additional help, I will be your substitute and create some wild and crazy ideas. Don’t trust me. Ha ha ha.

May you see clearly now.