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Eyes and Neuropathy

Eye Conditions | Last Active: Dec 23, 2023 | Replies (299)

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I definitely have suffered with dry eyes to the point that about 10 years ago they put plugs in my tear ducts which helped immensely. I also see a neurological ophthalmologist because about six or seven years ago I started developing double vision and they did an MRI and found that the muscles in my left eye have atrophied (this could be because of the deterioration of the nerves ) causing the left eye to turn in a little bit, giving me double vision, which is corrected by prisms in my glasses lenses. Unfortunately I am not able to wear contacts because they do not make them with prisms, and even if they did my dry eyes would make it impossible.

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Replies to "I definitely have suffered with dry eyes to the point that about 10 years ago they..."

@tcokeefe Thank you for sharing your neuropathy/eyes story. It does stink for sure but, sounds like you've found some help in adapting. Great! Continued success is wished for you.

Hi @tcokeefe glad you found relief with a prism in your glasses. Something as simple as double vision can be the cause of many health issues such as headaches, motion sickness, and balance. Have you been able to stop the atrophy of the eye muscle from further deterioration? Perhaps eye muscle exercises can help strengthen those muscles again. You can always have an assessment done by a certified eye therapist to determine if eye exercises can help. Your neuro ophthalmologist may not mention an eye therapist. I had a friend who was left with double vision after suffering a concussion as a result of a fall. She went to a neuro ophthalmologist and got a prism in her glasses. It helped but later went to an eye therapist. After a few months of eye exercises she started seeing double again. She was happy to learn her eyes muscles got stronger and no longer needed a prism. I hope this helps. Wish you well.