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Is this ANYTHING like electro-shock therapy? Once a barbaric practice, it has gained a new popularity in the last 20 years or so, due to the the fact that electro-shock therapy is virtually painless because you're heavily sedated into unconsciousness before said therapy. I've never had it done, but I've read it actually helps people with schizophrenia.

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Replies to "Is this ANYTHING like electro-shock therapy? Once a barbaric practice, it has gained a new popularity..."

I don’t know, but ECT did effect your short term memory.

@mojosteve1961 ECT impacts everyone differently. Some people have ECT three times a week for decades with no memory issues. It's typically used on patients when medications aren't effective.

Below I have linked information from Mayo Clinic about ECT
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

May I ask if you use psychiatric medications and are looking into ECT as an alternative?