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HypoThyroid and depression

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Mar 14, 2023 | Replies (57)

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This is GailBL, and I'm a Volunteer Mentor. I wanted to let you and others know that I am also hypothyroid challenged. I know to take my Levothyroxine in the morning 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything. I usually awaken early around 4 am to use the bathroom and take my thyroid medication. Yesterday I did my usual routine, but my allergies were very bad, and I kept clearing my throat from post nasal drip. Being half asleep, I used a Halls sugar free lozenge to calm my throat. However, I hadn't waited for the half hour time since taking my Levothyroxine.

All day yesterday I had very low energy and as the day wore on, I felt very depressed. It's unusual for me to be so depressed because I am taking Citalopram for depression. I tried going for a walk and just didn't have the energy to walk farther than 1/3rd mile. I was concerned about what was going on with me. This morning when I took my thyroid medication, I remembered yesterday's experience. The lightbulb went on in my brain and I realized I was probably reacting to having too little thyroid hormone in my system yesterday. I know from my last blood tests that I have been running low even with medication, so it may be time for a change up.

I wanted to let you know that experience as that may be happening with you. I don't know when your thyroid hormones were last checked, but that may be part of why you're feeling the way you are. I also think the entire Pandemic Emergency and our political system can be depressing. I'm an extrovert and I'm struggling to find things to do that allow me to "get out there" without actually getting out there. At 71, with T2 diabetes, controlled high blood pressure and having had Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2004 that hospitalized me, I am very aware of the dangers the COVID19 holds for me as well as for my husband and our daughter with whom we live. I hope you're feeling better now. I'm feeling my usual self today.

Would you be willing to give me an update on how you're doing and what you've done to help you?

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Replies to "@pianohands123 This is GailBL, and I'm a Volunteer Mentor. I wanted to let you and others..."

@gailb Along with not eating for 30 minutes, coffee has been observed to interfere within an hour of taking levothyroxine.