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HypoThyroid and depression

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Mar 14, 2023 | Replies (57)

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I understand your lifestyle, having been there in my past. Becoming a widow made my stress disappear, but I was with a support group, some of whom tried the TMS with mixed results. Only you can decide if it is effective for you. I healed myself with personal therapy with good success so far, but sometimes still have bad dreams if I sleep too hot. I continue to walk away from toxic people and don't feel guilty about it, as I want a stress free life before I die. It is important to develop self respect if it is lacking or has been abused in any way. I really feel good about life despite the isolation. I do projects. Dorisena

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Replies to "I understand your lifestyle, having been there in my past. Becoming a widow made my stress..."

I read your note and your situation is so similar to mine. I am isolated due to my health and I read, watch Telly and work on creative projects. I too have found that trying to stay away from toxic people is extremely helpful for me. I have a tiny family and 3 out of 3 are very toxic. I just say when they stir up angry and abusive nonsense, I love you and I hope you have a nice day. I truly want to be happy and to enjoy the rest of this life that I have been given, even if it is alone. I have a dog and cat. Having a fur family with unconditional love is so wonderful. My best to you and your note really helped me a lot.

Having too much stress has taken it's toll on me too. I have found trying some of your methods work for me too. Much of your situation is similar. I'm getting rid of toxic people in my life too. Two of them this week! I just know that this is going to help. I don't need to worry about them any more, and can easily avoid them. Thanks. Marie.