COVID-19: I'm high-risk w/asthma. How to stay safe w/viruses?
I am very afraid of contracting this virus. I have asthma and high risk. Afraid when this country open. Some are pushing to open and it scares me.
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Congrats on being in high spirits; that's quite an accomplishment.
@lioness- how will you stay safe when things start opening up?
@merpreb Hi I probably wont change anything . I,ll stil l wear my mask for awhile I One thing is to use the bus more to go to stores but will still use Clorax more in cleaning . My son will be able to come over I,ll get to see my grandson go and use there pool hot tub for my back and to relax . We will be able to communicate with out neighbors here Other then this my routine will stay the same . Exercise class will resume and adult coloring . I will plan a trip up to see my friend which will be like a vacation for me . Just taking precautions when out How bout you Merry ?
@mayofeb2020, Certainly no expert by any means but I have had the almost identical similar recurring dream as well. Not recently thank goodness but each time was memorable because I needed to be at a certain destination and became frantic in my car search. Going in wrong directions, too much time involved with deadline looming, and with no one who could help find the car...
One Dream book suggested that for most of us, our car is what "transports us through life to meet responsibilities, keep impt. appointments, etc." Suggests that the dreamer is experiencing outward challenges in meeting obligations or moving through life at the moment as desired...just one interpretation but it made sense in my case. Sometimes for me it occurred whenever I was faced with some difficult decisions and felt lost and afraid of not making the best one for the situation.
Like you, those specific dreams may have been trying to aid me in better decision making but they surely made me more aware of noting where I park my car. I've had that "real time" experience of forgetting where my car was parked in very large lots and can become panicky before finally tracking it down. Now I make sure I know what aisle, #, letter, or part of the store sign I park in line with.
@merpreb, I apologize, I went off on another tangent about dreams...hard for me to stay on topic and need to work harder at behaving and observing our guidelines...don't wanna' have Connect privileges taken away for bad behavior. Will work to do better!
@fair2all, Hi Jack. You and your family certainly were well prepared and wise to go into quarantine early before it was mandated, especially in New York. Do you live in an urban center or rural?
I can certainly understand your concern about planning for "an exit." and you are well advised to consider that ahead of time in as far as that is possible. Is your son seen locally for his medical needs and coordinated with his team at Mayo Clinic. Do you still go to Mayo for followup visits? I ask because I'm curious to know how that may look for your son in the near term and how telemedicine might now play a role in his care.
Oh, @lioness, I am so sorry you had to try to manage going down for a huge heavy delivery. Hope there is someone in your bldg you can call on for help or even offer to pay if that occurs again? My friend in Queens has to do the same and some deliveries are multi-item in large boxes too unwieldy or heavy for her to carry. If she opens it downstairs, she worries about theft before she can get back.
Please don't hesitate to call your doc if the pain hasn't stopped. I'm hoping it was from a combo of the anxiety plus physical exertion you had to take but don't wait to get help if the chest pain continues and please let us know how you are. ok?
Hi, suerc, There is so much conflicting and contradictory news constantly bombarding all modes of news media, that I've found the very best action I can take for myself is to really limit my exposure to news reports from all sources. This is a time for us to stay as calm and peaceful as possible and too much daily reporting increases my anxiety, confusion and anger.
@sueinmn, It sounds as though you have prepared well and thoughtfully for your long trip home. Really good to hear that rest stops and truck stops are open on your route.
As for your return and the garden that awaits, you will have much to do in that regard. I am far behind my usual timeline this year, in part due to erratic and later weather changes and in part because I seem more lethargic and less "eager" than usual because of our new circumstances.
Like you and many others, my plans and that of my family and close friends for summer trips, visits and activities have all been put on hold or cancelled now.
My daughter received a letter from the park our boys have been going to for several years. It was very informative about possible plans and what they were doing to prepare but also presented factual info. with everything still to be determined at a later date.
@fiesty76 Thank you I am fine now I think this was the case Anxiety and the heavy boxes . After I rested the pain started to leave . I feel bad we have to endure this at this time . Also Amazon didn't deliver the one small package so I called them had a nice customer service agent that helped me out with the post office . Since they are paying them I thought this is what is happening . Thanks feisty76 for you concern How are you doing? Stay safe