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@merpreb Merry - Curious about this - "We've been warned against fresh produce so people aren't paying attention." How did I miss this warning, and who issued it? I have been avoiding the lettuces due to ecoli risks for some time, but carrots, avocados, cabbage, or bananas and oranges can be washed effectively, broccoli and other veggies you can cook. For cooked items, heat at about 160F (56C) kills the virus.
What I read on the CDC/FDA sites last week ranked the risk of transmission on produce, if you wash it, as very low.
And I agree with you on being reluctant to believe Dr Oz or any of the other television experts

PLEASE everyone - vinegar is not cited anywhere as effective killer for Covid-19. It requires bleach or another proven disinfectant, used according to directions, or soap+water+friction to kill the virus.

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Replies to "@merpreb Merry - Curious about this - "We've been warned against fresh produce so people aren't..."

I meant to say loose, leafy veggies like lettuce and spinach. Prepackaged is best. I agree about the vinegar and water.

@ sueinmn I was talking in general not about the covid-19 virus