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Hi @suz55, you're in the right group (Bones, Joints & Muscles https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/arthritis-and-joint-conditions-268850/) to talk about arthritis. You'll notice that I moved your message to this discussion called "Living with arthritis: How do you stay active?" I did this to introduce you to other members living with arthritis like @migizii @jimhd @trayus @beatricefay @houp528123 and @sueinmn and who can recommend which specialist to see.

Suz, what physical movements do you do in the morning to help loosen up?

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Replies to "Hi @suz55, you're in the right group (Bones, Joints & Muscles https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/arthritis-and-joint-conditions-268850/) to talk about arthritis...."

Just getting up and moving about helps, feeding my dog, making coffee. Also sitting and doing the yes and no movements with my neck very slowly and reaching up in an apple picking motion. When I first get up, I cannot raise my arms to put eye drops in. I am thankful I loosen up pretty fast.