Chronic pelvic pain syndrome treatment
I'm going to a physical therapist weekly for this condition, and she feels the muscles surrounding my anus are too tight. She recommended reading "A Headache in the Pelvis" by Dr. David Wise, which I am doing now, and also doing some relaxive work to see if the muscles will loosen up. Is anybody else experiencing this type of constant pain?
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Hello @rstollery. You may notice your discussion was moved to the Chronic Pain group where you have participated in other discussions as well. I would like to invite @nickyfriskel, @leigho55, @airey2, @bobbie1, and @keshia99 who have mentioned and discussed pelvic pain for varying reasons on Connect.
@rstollery, are you noticing any early returns with your relaxation exercises? Were any plans discussed if PT and relaxation are ineffective?
Nothing yet, although it's early on.
To @rstollery, I feel your discomfort even though mine is a bit different. I did have months of pelvic floor therapy that did nothing to help but to only aggravate my situation and then almost a year later end up going for bio feedback therapy that was awful and a Tens unit zapping machine that only made my pain worse. Doctors assumed I had a muscle spasm and never did further checking to find out what the real problem was. I was in tears constantly but no one listened to me all my muscles in my rectum and pelvic area are strophic. My pudendal nerve was nicked and not properly handled properly for almost 2+ yrs so I have lost all muscle strength and nutrients to the ligaments. I am not a surgical candidate to have my vagina vault prolapse fixed. Nothing strong enough to attach my bladder and uterus up with. Anal tightness I don’t know what you do for that. Nice warm baths, muscle relaxers, every Doctor has something different to say. How long have you had this problem? Min started 41/2 yrs ago was just fine until a nerve was affected. Happened immediately. Dr’s office never even called to check up on me. My life is forever changed as a very negative person now unfortunately. I hope you get the right help. I have to take Metamucil Dailey And drink prune juice and eat a few pries and some days apple juice so I don't get constipated. Hope that was not to boring. Good luck. I understand
Thanks for your input! I have had this condition for more than 38 years now. I'm trying relaxation and anal strengthening and relaxing in hopes of loosening up the flaps surrounding the anus. I also use the hot tub jets to ease the pain in that area. All this is helping a little to date, but still in constant pain.
Not boring. It could happen to any of us.
That is a great book. I hope you find some relief.
This book seems written mostly for women, is that right? I'm a man with pelvic pain, and seems like most of the therapists, research, etc. is for women. =(
I have dealt with pelvic pain for about 1-1/2 years and as @greggb2024 says most stuff is for women. When I was first asked to go to a pelvic therapist I was thinking no way. The first time she worked inside the anus and got me realigned I couldn’t believe the relief my bowels worked great for a few days until I was out of alignment again, With a failed back surgery I couldn’t do the exercises she wanted me to do. So she stopped my therapy. One thing that has really helped she made me a homemade ice pack with 1/4 rubbing alcohol to 3/4 water ratio and put in a doubled condom it stays squishy and fits the butt crack and I can use it with my pillow that’s cut out in the back for the tailbone. Sadly there’s not many pelvic therapist that accept men.
I had this monster for 14-1/2 yrs until I took an off-label anti-seizure medicine for an unrelated matter and in 2 weeks it was gone. It was Topamax. Later, my pelvic therapist said that she had heard about this. She could have mentioned it. Ask your doctor.
@mikaylar this is why I love this sight we can learn so much from others that doctors never think to tell us.