Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder

Posted by mattrix169 @mattrix169, Jan 27, 2020

Hi anyone who reads this I am a person who has Antisocial personality disorder and struggle with it because of the severe nature of this disorder it makes it hard to want to talk about as most people aren't sure really how it really works it is not being isolated it is being highly active against society and particular to violating the norms of society and it leading to grounds of arrest I am still learning more about my disorder and how it effects people in general if anyone has more adivse about this disorder that would be great I have studied the icd 10 and the dsm's up to current which was what was used to digasnois me

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@mattrix169 Welcome to Mayo Connect. We're glad to see you here. We are fellow patients, caregivers and family member's offering support and sharing our experiences to help others in their journeys. We cannot offer medical advice nor diagnose conditions.

Here is a link to what Mayo Clinic has to say about your newly diagnosed condition. Would you like to share what made you decide to seek out help, and what you would like to see your future holding for you?


Hi, @mattrix169 - wondering how you are doing?

I'd also like you to meet @jimhd and @artscaping, who may have some knowledge of antisocial personality disorder from their past careers and ideas on how to best manage it and its effects on other people. .

You talked about antisocial personality disorder meaning one is highly active against society and particular to violating the norms of society. Do you have an example you could share of how this has affected you?


@lisalucier Im doing alright my dr says i have antisocial and borderline traits with pyschopathy i was there on wed for a visit my mom came along and expressed my desire to hurt people because they piss me off so my dr and i agreed to a medication that worked in the past and it is working now it is a low dose of clonazapam I have been on it 3 days and noticed a big improvement


@lisalucier Im doing alright my dr says i have antisocial and borderline traits with pyschopathy i was there on wed for a visit my mom came along and expressed my desire to hurt people because they piss me off so my dr and i agreed to a medication that worked in the past and it is working now it is a low dose of clonazapam I have been on it 3 days and noticed a big improvement

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Now that you've been on it a bit, @mattrix169, how is the clonazepam going for you?


I'm doing alot better with the Clonazepam


I'm doing alot better with the Clonazepam

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Great to hear that you are doing a lot better with the clonazapam, @mattrix169. What good effects are you noticing so far? Are you experiencing any side effects with clonazepam?


I'm noticing that my rage and anger are pretty much gone I'm sleeping better with the Clonazepam I'm not actually feeling any side effects it just really helps balance me out


I'm noticing that my rage and anger are pretty much gone I'm sleeping better with the Clonazepam I'm not actually feeling any side effects it just really helps balance me out

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@mattrix169 - have you done talk therapy, as well? If so, was it helpful?


Hi, @mattrix169 - wondering how you are doing?

I'd also like you to meet @jimhd and @artscaping, who may have some knowledge of antisocial personality disorder from their past careers and ideas on how to best manage it and its effects on other people. .

You talked about antisocial personality disorder meaning one is highly active against society and particular to violating the norms of society. Do you have an example you could share of how this has affected you?

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@lisalucier the violating society norms is something i have a huge struggle with my brother moved in where i live and he is a trigger for me we have already started fighting and it makes it difficult not to do anything.. my meds work fine for sleep and keeping my rage some what under control but not all the time he can say something or look at me wrong and I fly off the handle


@mattrix169 - have you done talk therapy, as well? If so, was it helpful?

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is doing councelling like the same thing seeing as i have a counceller as well as a DR trying to get this under control and i forgot to mention that yes I have been in trouble with the cops and legal system thats the antisocial aspect

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