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Y-90 liver cancer treatment

Cancer | Last Active: Feb 27 6:25am | Replies (171)

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Hello @buddbugg

I appreciate you sharing your remarkable story about radioembolization. Could you share a bit more about the type of doctor who recommended this procedure? Was it your oncologist?

If you are comfortable sharing more, could you talk about what the procedure was like? Were you given anesthesia, was it similar to an MRI? Were there any side effects to the treatment, like nausea, etc.?

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Replies to "Hello @buddbugg I appreciate you sharing your remarkable story about radioembolization. Could you share a bit..."

Hi Teresa, I. Have liver damage from hep c so my Hepatologist recommended me to the interventional radiologist at the same hospital. I’m glad to say the procedure was a breeze. Light anesthesia because they cant cant put you under completely as you have to hold your breath etc while they’re taking X-rays but enough you’re not worried about the procedure. There was no pain during or after the procedure a little fatigue but I went to work the next day. I thank God for this procedure, before it the options just weren’t all that good. This procedure just continues to become more refined with all the medical research. I had it in July and a CT a month later that showed the little devils had shrunk and another in November that showed them even smaller.

It’s not similar to an MRI because they actually go into your groin with a needle to shoot the. Beads, They’ll do a mapping in the weeks prior first which is kind of a dry run so they know exactly where to shoot the beads. It didn’t hurt or have much in the way of after effects either.

Hope this takes some of the of the fear out of it for you. Really, i dreaded it to too but like so many things the dread is worse than the deed, it really wasn’t bad.