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Keto diet pills. Are they safe to take?

Healthy Living | Last Active: Aug 23, 2021 | Replies (31)

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I am a 73 year old female. I was put on a similar food plan. For me it’s a way of life. No sugar or sweet, no flour,no carbs, no complex carbs either, which includes potatoes. I’m doing this to not only stay alive, but have a better quality of life. It’s eating to live not living to eat. I have lost 60 lbs. so far, of which is fat not muscle. My numbers have gone down. My A1C went from 7.1 to 5.5 I no longer take metformin. My cholesterol was very high, but similar to yours is my experience also with the triglycerides and HDL. I’m able to walk a little a bit better. Feel better. Outlook on life is more positive. I had so many illnesses, some are gone some better. Their has been damage that may not be reversible, but all and all this healthy way of eating has been a life saver. Too much to put on here. I have A fib, heart problems, Lyme disease. Tumor on right adrenal gland, COPD needed oxygen, diabetes, high blood pressure., also stage 3 kidney disease. They said you can’t reverse kidney disease. I’m now stage 2. All has improved or gone. It’s been about a year or so. I feel great. Of course because of kidneys I couldn’t have 6 -8 oz. protein, I had 3 at each meal. I eat more healthy fat and 8-16 oz veggies or salad at each meal.

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Replies to "I am a 73 year old female. I was put on a similar food plan. For..."

It’s only been a year or so and look how much you have improved. Congratulations on taking charge of your health the right way.
Seventy percent of our medical problems start in the gut. Eating like this is a way of life and you don’t miss the old way. If only more people paid attention to the fuel that they put into their bodies, we wouldn’t have the healthcare crisis we have today in this country.

I am passionate about diet and I hope you inspire others by speaking about your journey. You may not be able to reverse some damage but you can stop it from progressing. It feels great to feel good, doesn’t it?

If we stop eating all the junk that supermarkets stock their shelves with, maybe the food industry will wake up once their revenues decrease. We don’t need an entire aisle of sugar coated cereal no matter if you call it gluten free, low cholesterol , high energy or any other tricky phrases. That’s another whole but highly related issue.

We’re proud of you.

FL Mary

Miss Carnes.....We never know when the clock will stop, BUT do not like the thought of a wheel chair and real bad dementia....Lou.

Sounds like you are doing great. I'm a 70 year old female. I have stage 3 kidney disease. How did you go down to stage 2? I don't understand that you couldn't have 6-8 oz. protein. Can you explain.