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Flutter - Pradaxa vs. Aspirin

Heart Rhythm Conditions | Last Active: Dec 6, 2019 | Replies (12)

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Replies to "Here is the link https://www.healio.com/cardiology/stroke/news/online/%7B91b73a69-ad13-46cb-8e66-639e7a480547%7D/dabigatran-not-superior-to-aspirin-for-prevention-of-recurrent-stroke Prof. Dr. Ashraf Fadel ________________________________"

It is an interesting read, deeper than I can discuss as the study is really about re occurring strokes, and I am not a doctor, you did not mention that you had a stroke involved, all that being said I have been on pradaxa for a year and half now, thankfully no problems at all. and it seems as though you have been on it for 4 years now,,,, my thoughts would be not to rock the boat and continue with you care plan for the last 4 years.....