Any positive stories about Benzo tapering? I need hope
Would love to hear some positive stories from people whom have tapered off benzos. Positive only please. Give me some hope. No horror stories! I need some encouragement!
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Yes, but it was very short-lived. I continue to take clonazepam to help me with my anxiety at night.During my child hood I was the only child of 2 people who married and each had children——“blended family”. I dearly loved all my brothers and sisters. However.
My parents, esp. mother had some trauma and mental health issues. Many of their disputes became crazily violent. I was never, ever brought into it, but I was the only “adult” in the house. I would wake up at night and hear terrible fighting, the other thing my Mom did ( which I’ll never understand) was wake me up in the middle of the night and yell at me for something I did. I never understood what the issue was. As a result nighttime continues to very subtlety cause me anxiety. So, I take clonazepam . I think my CNS is so hardwired for trauma response that I wouldn’t trust being off of it. Mind you my mom and dad were both physician and nurse and they took good physical care of me —-the emotional part was missing. I do still pray for them and love them.
@engelee you are right. Some states have allowed nurses to do their own prescribing. If doctors have not been very vigilant in catching problems with drugs, how much less likely are nurses. While giving NP the authority to prescribe has gotten rid of the bottleneck, it opens us up to now getting our medical care from nurses instead of doctors. Sounds like something from a third world country.
I totally disagree as I am a Clinical Nurse Specialist—this is different from nurse practitioner. As CNS my masters was totally concentrated in Adult Mental Health & Psychiatry ( no other iarea). I had extensive reading of primary psych texts ( like MD), thesis in prep for PhD and supervised work everyday throughout education with adult,family,groups,( multiples of these throughout day) I was educated on how to supervise others at my level and had MDs on my Thesis Committee. I have published, written a textbook, presented my work nationally and internationally and # of yeRs consecutively attended a Harvard conference on Psychopharmacology. I know when to visit with MD colleague.
@johnhans Thanks for your information. I'm doing the tapering myself to half my dose. I just wish the doctors would understand that some people may still need benzos. Some doctors are tapering patients off incorrectly. Sometimes, I wonder if they want patients to completely get off, but what is the plan after? None of my doctors discussed that part. Are they thinking of prescribing another medication? That is mainly what I am worried about. I am afraid I will get over-anxious again and that feels terrible. The doctors I am working with are just saying "get off" (but then what)?
The AI was working overtime on this reply. At the beginning it should be: "These are guidelines." Then further down it should be: "The doctor also believed I had an element of manic depressive, but not enough to be diagnosed with it." That not makes a big difference in what I was stating.
Exactly. I don’t think there are any plans. I’m going to taper but I’m scared to death as to what the future holds in terms of my horrible anxiety.
I don't know how we get memory back. I have been taking Ativan for 30 years. It hasn't affected me yet. I probably need it for the rest of my life. I take Paxil with it. It saved my life years ago and I can't worry about getting Alzheimers disease.
Perhaps seek referral to a neurologist?. I too take 3 mg Klonopin down from 4mg beginning Oct 1, 2019. Also consider filing a complaint to any pertinent organization. I am not a doctor so just opinion advice. Most important is find ANY md, pa, or NP who will prescript. A visit to the the ER maybe your last resort? Taper should generally be 5 to 10% over a period which best works for you. ASHTON MANUAL download advised also.
It should be up to the individual but unfortunately I think Benzos are going the way the opioids have gone. The government will require doctors not to prescribe for more than two weeks or so and taper their longtime patients off. That’s why I’ve started the tapering process myself. I want to have some control and don’t want to be forced off.
I don't think Opiods injure your brain like Benzo's can. Is Opiods not an addiction where Benzo's are a dependency?