← Return to Intraocular lenses (IOLs) implants


Intraocular lenses (IOLs) implants

Eye Conditions | Last Active: Nov 4, 2019 | Replies (7)

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I had a detached retina and surgery in the early 1980s. Ten years ago at age 68, I decided to go for cataract surgery. My doctor at that time was always reluctant because he feared macular degeneration because of the retinal detachment. I wore both contacts and glasses but was really having more difficulty because of the cataracts. I switched to St Luke’s Eye and Cataract clinic here in Florida because of the reputation and experience of their staff. I had the surgery in 2009...first one eye and then a month later the second eye. Best thing I ever did. It was like someone windexed my eyeballs. Currently I wear glasses for driving and distance and use magnifiers for reading although I can both drive and read pretty well without them. It’s a little clearer when I do use the glasses though. My night vision improved at that time but one eye had half halos around lights so that was the only downside.

Fast forward to now. I did develop late onset macular degeneration in both eyes about 5 years ago but it has been stable since then. I changed my diet to include more leafy greens and take Preservision vitamins. My left eye (the good eye) improved in vision last year. I don’t wear glasses or contacts except for driving or reading. I also don’t do night driving or only local night driving. My last exam showed that my right eye (the one I had the retinal surgery in ) had an inflammation which I am using drops for and will see him again on the 13th of this month. But the macular degeneration has not advanced.

My point is I did have the retinal detachment and was aware of the consequences but chose to do so anyway. I never regretted it. I credit the health of my eyes to my overall diet and good health. The surgery itself was so easy and fast and absolutely fearless. Any problems with my right eye is because of the retinal detachment 40 years ago. I have almost 20/20 in my good left eye. Never had that before the cataract surgery. I am 78 now and would even have a new lens for the bad eye if that was an option. By the way, I had been wearing glasses for distance since age 6 and, before the cataract surgery, the lenses were getting a little thicker than usual. I also went into all this with a now profound hearing loss and rely on my eyes to hear. Which is why I am passionate about food and what you eat to maintain good and improved health in every part of your body, including dem eyeballs.🤓

I think you will do just fine and don’t worry about your age....74 today is not the same 74 20-30 years ago.

Here’s looking at you,
FL Mary

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Replies to "@dsh33782 Hi, I had a detached retina and surgery in the early 1980s. Ten years ago..."

Thanks for reply. I'm familiar with St. Luke's and may go see what they say about implants.
My case is a little different from yours and my natural lenses were removed in 1983 and no implants. I did wear contacts for a few years but they tended to irritate my eyes, so ever since I've been wearning thick glasses. Then in 1988 and 1989 I had detachments and ended up with buckles in both eyes. Then in early 1990's glaucoma set in and I'm now on max drops for glaucoma - Dorzolimide, Combigan, Lumigan, and Rhopressa. When these quit working to keep pressure under 15, then it will be time for more surgery such as GATT to relieve the pressure surgically. Over the last 25 years, I've gradually lost vision due to glaucoma and now have no central vision in left eye and have about half the field in right eye and can see 20-40 with corrective glasses.

But I'm still interested in getting implants to improve vision and reduce glare now if St. Lukes or someone else is willing.

@imallers How did you get into my body? My eyes had cagtaract surgery in 09 2 weeks apart . Then 3 yrs. ago I started with M.D. and it is stable so far with Perservision I do have glaucoma so take drops at night . I'm 77 just turned that in Oct. Every yr the Dr. sends me for a picture of my retina. So far so good. I have always had a holistic diet had a garden and canned as I said since son was allergic to preservative and dyes. I left the humidity behind me in 2010 so glad I did but when the Santa Anna winds blow my eyes drive me crazy with the stuff the wind kicks up . Oh well that's life.