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This might answer your question @mscoyote Info on panitumumab and supplements. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30661095. I would also strongly suggest that your talk with your oncologist about the specific supplements you want to take. I hope this will help some. Let me know!

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Replies to "This might answer your question @mscoyote Info on panitumumab and supplements. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30661095. I would also strongly..."

Yes, I'm on a magnesium supplement now. Today my oncology nurse referred me to the pharmacist, so I hope to find out more later today. As I mentioned earlier, on bevacizumab, I was told to AVOID high levels of anti-oxidents as they interfered with the drug. I don't want to decrease the effectiveness of panitumumab, which is why I asked.