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Jadillow….your doctor took you off omeprazole, but what did he suggest you take in it's place? Is he the one who recommended the Tums? I also wonder why he is apparently not addressing your anxiety...….which is a two way street. Anxiety can lead to stomach issues and stomach issues can trigger anxiety. It's been my experience for more than 50 years that if you don't "treat" both conditions, you'll always end up back at square one. There is no reason why anyone should have to "truck through" life suffering anxiety. Between medications and therapy, it is a highly treatable condition. I know you have had a number of tests for the chest pains, and those tests were showed nothing other than the bradycardia. It has been suggested by a couple of us that you learn about this condition. Here is the link to the Cleveland Clinics site regarding bradycardia: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17841-bradycardia
I hope you will take the time to read it so you will have a fairly complete understanding of the condition. If you have questions/concerns while reading this information, jot down questions to ask your cardiologist at your next visit. Discuss your anxiety and what can be done to alleviate it. I understand all too well how easily SOME doctors WILL dismiss anxiety as more of a "character flaw" than a very real medical issues that needs to be treated along with other conditions. Perhaps a short course of a benzodiazepam (anti-anxiety med) would benefit you in a number of ways. Most doctors are as reluctant to prescribe these types of meds now as they are of opioids. But a short course of a mild benzo for 4-6 weeks could be enough to see if your symptoms improve when the anxiety is removed from the equation. There are also many excellent books available to help you understand and deal with anxiety, and these could prove useful for you as well. Just as you joined this forum to help with your heart issues, there are many good forums that can help and support you with anxiety. I believe the Mayo Clinic also has such a forum. If not, I can highly recommend MedHelp. Your posture at work can definitely play havoc with back and neck pain. headache, eye strain and many other issues. It is recommended that if you work at a computer all day, to invest in a pair of UV blocking glasses which help with eye strain and headaches. (If you wear glasses, they have clip on lenses) I began using these as I spend hours on the computer and my migraines have decreased remarkably. They also suggest that even if you use the UV blocking glasses, that every 1/2 hour, you should take about 5 minutes and focus your eyes on the distance. Ideally, if you can look out a window is the best, but even if you just look across the room, this will give your eyes a chance to "relax" and ease the stress of what they call "tight focus," meaning staring at your screen for hours on end. You should also get up and walk around at least once an hour for the same reason they suggest you do this on a long flight. You don't have to go for a hike...….just a couple minutes walking around your office space or up and down the hallway will get the blood flowing. It's good for every system in your body. I've said this before but I'll say it again.....if you are not happy with how you are being treated by your doctor(s) both professionally and personally, find a new doctor! Look for one who has a more "integrative" approach...…..someone who takes the "whole you" into the picture, not just your symptom. And in regards to this feeling in your upper back like "a fist," I suggest you bring that to your doctors attention soon. Yes, it COULD be related to your GERD or to gallbladder issues, but unless those "other folks" who have given you suggestions about what it could be are doctors, you need to see a REAL one, not someone who plays one on TV! We must be our own advocates these days and while doctors DO deserve respect, as we ALL do, respect and trust must be earned.

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Replies to "Jadillow….your doctor took you off omeprazole, but what did he suggest you take in it's place?..."

Thank you very much and I will read up on this. Crazy thing is this is my second doctor. I left the first one because I wasn’t getting any answers. I was put on various anti anxiety medicines and I felt they were not helping. I have been sent for endo scop. Stress test and heart scan. Also had a Hidascam done and all of the specialists say everything they saw looked good. My main concern at this time is the chest pain, which could be stomach or anything I’m sure. It’s been so long off an on I assumed if it were my heart something would have happened by now. Just trying to live my life as I’m only 36 and be there for my wife and kids and I dress her out with this as well just because I’m always worried something sudden will happen. I feel as if I’m staying in top of it buy being so aware but at the same time I think that’s hurting me as well. The chest pains aren’t squeezing. Nor are they hard to deal with. More like pricks here and here and just makes me aware

I would like to add that managing lifestyle can treat so many conditions. And anxiety is definitely one of them. Working out, going for a walk every day, getting therapy can alleviate so much stress as can taking magnesium. Google: Psychology Today - The Chill Pill. Very interesting article....and no drugs are involved! Magnesium is a mineral that today is lacking in our soil...therefore this results in magnesium depleted vegetables. Getting a good night's sleep is key. Also having good relationships with your children/wife/family/friends, eating well lowering carb intake for overall general good health.. There is so much one can do to alleviate anxiety before grabbing the pill bottle. Drugs should be your last option.