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Does BMI matter

Healthy Living | Last Active: Jan 1, 2020 | Replies (14)

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I agree with @parus- One size does not fit everyone. However confusing the BMI is doctors use it to make sure that your weight is within reason so that you don't run into problems like high blood pressure. When you are overweight your blood pressure also goes up. Right now, for this time of year I wish that I was 6 pound less as told to me in no uncertain terms by one of my doctors is a must! Yes I got a dressing down. That being said I am also more depressed and angry when I am a bit over weight even if the lines on my face smooth out somewhat! lol.
What Does Your Body Mass Index (BMI) Number Mean?

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Replies to "I agree with @parus- One size does not fit everyone. However confusing the BMI is doctors..."

@merpreb I too got a bit of a stern mention from my PCP last week telling me I needed to lose the weight I had gained -- about 8 pounds. A lot of it happened due to my inactivity from my fracture, that caused me to be at home more and somewhat depressed. I got into some really bad eating habits but I am back to working hard at losing those extra pounds.
To paraphrase a common expression, "eat, drink, and be merry, tomorrow you must diet".

Also, speaking of BMI, if you have a lot of muscle your BMI will be higher too. My son is fairly muscular, he works out a lot, and his BMI is not within the desirable range for his height, but he has no fat on him.