@karjack I hope the sun is shining for you today, if not outside in the weather, at least in your heart, knowing people are concerned for you.
It's hard to break a habit, isn't it, even when we know it is not healthy. I have been where you are, thinking about and involving myself in a former relationship that is no longer part of my life. It felt to me "if only I can do this, or that, it will be okay again" even when that wasn't possible. It was heart-wrenching to realize i had spent so much time and energy wrapped up in a dead-end situation, so then I berated myself for that. Emotionally smacking myself, calling myself "stupid". It took a lot of in-depth work on myself and with professional assistance, to stop that way of thinking and living. And I am better off for it.
When you find the right therapist for you, I hope you will let me know how much better ou feel. Meanwhile, please continue to post here, and let us support you.
The sun is shining here, for me and in my world "today" I am feeling a bit more positive, although it's still a tough road to walk. I blocked my x so he can't call. step in the right direction. I can't believe the time I have spent trying to change this man, if I only say this, or that, he'll get it. He never will. He's a narcissist, and they are a lost cause. I am a human that cares too much sometimes. Or do I have that wrong? Anyway thanks for the notes , I so appreciate it, it helps.