Mystery Illness: Mastoiditis or something else?

Posted by cromeo112 @cromeo112, Jul 11, 2019

Good afternoon. I am trying to get some help for my 75 year old mother who has had pressure in her head when sitting or standing, ringing in her ears, lightheaded. She originally had spikes in blood pressure but that has been brought under control with medication. This has been going on for 2 1/2 months and she has not been able to get relief. This may be a coincidence but the symptoms that she has started after she received a cortisone injection in her hip. She has been to her PCP, cardiologist, ENT, and a neurologist. She has had blood work, CAT scan, EKG, MRI, stress test, etc... and the doctors say that they have nothing to go on. The only thing that we saw made us think was the MRI indicated that she had some inflammation of the mastoid bone. Can mastoiditis cause these types of symptoms and how should we approach a doctor to consider this? Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Group.

Here's some Mayo Clinic information on different types of headaches, @camapp1, that might be useful when you get to speak with the ENT to pinpoint what you are experiencing


Ms. Pereira,
Wow, your help is very much appreciated. Thanks for linking me to discussion.

Yes, pain moves all over my head - mainly on top half of my right side (just above back of ear) but will often be along base of skull, up back of head or across front above eyes - all experienced either individually or in unison. The area over the top, rear, right quadrant of my scalp often burns/tingles/sensitive to touch when pain elsewhere is in the 5 and above range. About a week ago I woke with a tooth ache at #7 that was pretty sensitive to outward pressure and lasted about 5 days. Had dentist ck with no sign of dental issue - I have very good teeth/gums & 6 mo cks. so I assume this might be related in some way too. Sensitivity to light is not a big deal - just when facing very bright sunlight do I notice things ramping up a bit. All pain experienced comes in waves but those tend to be oriented in one general area for various periods of time then will suddenly show in another one of the areas mentioned above. There is no "rhythm" or predictable period of relief provided by a particular dosage of meds. Sometimes a dose will produce results within 15 mins while next time the same med dosage will not be effective for 2 hrs. This makes it difficult to stay ahead of pain with meds.
I meant to respond to Jenlink's question regarding effectiveness of the Imitrex and propranolol if I have no history of migraines. I have no history of migraines but the Imitrex definitely gives relief anywhere from 3-6 hrs. It can take affect anywhere from 10 - 60 mins. The propranolol seems to help but I take that just before bed time and always take either an Imitrex and Excedrin Migraine (1-2), Advil (1-2) and/or Tylenol (1-2) - dosages depending on where I'm at for 24 consumption limits. Based on her question I wonder if this is an indication of what is going on.
I use following dosage limits: Tylenol 500 mg - Max of 2/8hrs or 8/24hrs (3000 mg/day), Advil 200 mg - Max of 6/8 hrs or 12/24 hrs (2400 mg/day), Excedrin Migraine 250 mg Acetam - Max of 2/24 hrs . This is based on limits I found on popular medical support website. Using these dosages I will often run out of meds to use so tend to stretch frequency and end up falling behind the pain curve.

Thank you. The support here is fantastic.

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Hi @camapp1,
After reading your description of your headaches, and the fact that the Imitrex helps, I have to wonder how you haven't been diagnosed with migraines.
Have you ever been told you cld be having residual headaches from what a lot of dr's consider overuse of the otc meds? I've heard that one for years but it doesn't matter if I go for days and days taking nothing. I don't take anything more than 1x or 2x a day but I have kidney issues so I'm trying to spare them.
Just a thought.... I have my misc med combo I take and mix up like yourself.... the excedrin, advil, aleeve, arthritis strength tylenol, benedryl, diclofenac, ect.... I really try to stay away from the excedrin at night because of the caffeine and just take tylenol.
Ice packs on the base of your skull might be helpful too. I also use peppermint oil across the base of my skull and down the back of my neck... like either side of my spine.

Dry needling (sort of an acupuncture thing but definitely different) gives me more relief than any meds. Really helps loosen up muscles and interferes with pain signals.
I found someone that was certified to "needle" the muscles involved with TMJ... (It's another certification than the basic dry needling) With that they can needle around your ear, cheek, lower jaw and neck... AMAZING relief!!!
A physical therapist or sometimes acupuncture clinics have practitioners that are trained in this.
Hope you find relief soon!!!

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