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About ready to scream, been bad month

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Sep 12, 2020 | Replies (54)

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Thank you - it fits back on the lot and it actually gives me a full basement - and a better layout than the old house tho I do love it and wish i could of restored it.

he was a high tolerance for pain - the had the anti cruciate ligament replaced several years ago after a bike accident refused to go in when happen but next morning his knee had double/tripled in size I forget how many big syringes of blood they took off it and took nothing for it before and after tho they did give him an addictive pain killer after surgery - he rarely even takes tylenol unless forced.

Time will tell how resilient he is to pain

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Replies to "Thank you - it fits back on the lot and it actually gives me a full..."

@reibur1951- You are such an incredible person to do so much for your friend! Replacing the old house will be quite a job but I love the looks of it! Do you have any ideas for landscaping when it's built?