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Hi Merry @merpreb, @BoneHead, and @ginger. Thanks for your notes. My mantra that has extended over from my youth was "This too shall pass." A couple of things that helped me slog through depression, chronic fatigue, and debilitating headaches were (1) accepting the concept of enough...whatever I could do that day, even if it was just getting out of bed, was enough and (2) celebrating small accomplishments, such as avoiding a headache that day, as victories. As a former Type-A personality, these three illnesses almost literally stopped me dead in my tracks and forced me to change to cope with them. I agree that having a positive attitude makes a huge difference in everything we do and need to clarify that from my previous post. I just couldn't be positive when I was chronically depressed. People use the term depressed to mean sad, blue, low, etc; and a positive attitude and doing things to lift our spirits at such times definitely helps. I just hope they never experience episodes of major depression. Thanks again for your insights. Nancy

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Replies to "Hi Merry @merpreb, @BoneHead, and @Ginger. Thanks for your notes. My mantra that has extended over..."

@nla4625- Good morning Nancy. Nancy, I find it interesting that you claim to no-longer be a type-A personality. How is this possible. I found that my anger and aggression increased when I was at the worst of my anxiety/depressive stage. Is there a trick that I missed?

I agree that doing things that people suggest, like having a positive attitude during very low times seems so impossible to me. At other times I think that I have a handle on it. Even with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds it sometimes breaks through. I believe that it's chemical. Zoloft and bupropion are good for me most of the time. I just hesitate to jump around trying others maybe 3 times during the year.