My dad has a mass on bladder and kidney not functioning

Posted by formydad @formydad, Apr 24, 2019

He is getting surgery tomorrow to remove mass have no idea if cancerous- assuming they will send off - doc said removal may”jump start his kidney which he was unaware is not functioning.. he had prostate cancer and has brach treatment i believe - that cancers gone but i have been reading that having had radiation for it may lead to bladder cancer - anyone experience this?

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My dads surgery went well the mass was inside his bladder blocking kidney does not have results yet - not sure if kidney functioning yet going in for follow up- was told smoking causes this alot- he hasnt smoked for over 20 years - any ideas?

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Hello, @formydad. Wish I could provide some answers. I can tell you that smoking affects the respiratory system which affects the heart which affects the kidneys. I'm not a doctor but my personal opinion is that even if smoking may not have caused the problem it didn't help it, either. I don't remember some of the details you shared about your dad as to whether he is diabetic or overweight or has a family history of cancer or kidney disease but I suspect there are many such factors or similar ones involved. Please keep us posted re his test results. I am sending you positive vibes!


My dads surgery went well the mass was inside his bladder blocking kidney does not have results yet - not sure if kidney functioning yet going in for follow up- was told smoking causes this alot- he hasnt smoked for over 20 years - any ideas?


My dads surgery went well the mass was inside his bladder blocking kidney does not have results yet - not sure if kidney functioning yet going in for follow up- was told smoking causes this alot- he hasnt smoked for over 20 years - any ideas?

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Hello @formydad. Sorry that you need more information about your father's experience with a bladder growth. I've been through much of that, but with an important advantage -- my 12 bladder tumors, although malignant, were small and on the surface of the bladder lining and were readily removed in two phases: 1) walk-in surgery using TURBT (transurethral resection of bladder tumors) in an hour-long procedure and 2) six treatments with a solution of "BCG bacteria" to ensure that any cancer seeds were killed. My bladder had been blocked periodically by prostate tissue growth which, when removed, revealed tumors hidden behind it. I had been a moderate smoker for 45 years. Fortunately, the treatments cleared up my problems. In your dad's case, I'm optimistic that his kidney function will return gradually after the removal just this week of the growth in his bladder. My optimism, though, is based on faith not facts, and your doctors are the ones to provide you the information you need and want about the immediate and long-term future. Are you expecting a report soon from the doctors on how the surgery may affect his bladder and how soon kidney function will resume? Martin


Hello @formydad. Sorry that you need more information about your father's experience with a bladder growth. I've been through much of that, but with an important advantage -- my 12 bladder tumors, although malignant, were small and on the surface of the bladder lining and were readily removed in two phases: 1) walk-in surgery using TURBT (transurethral resection of bladder tumors) in an hour-long procedure and 2) six treatments with a solution of "BCG bacteria" to ensure that any cancer seeds were killed. My bladder had been blocked periodically by prostate tissue growth which, when removed, revealed tumors hidden behind it. I had been a moderate smoker for 45 years. Fortunately, the treatments cleared up my problems. In your dad's case, I'm optimistic that his kidney function will return gradually after the removal just this week of the growth in his bladder. My optimism, though, is based on faith not facts, and your doctors are the ones to provide you the information you need and want about the immediate and long-term future. Are you expecting a report soon from the doctors on how the surgery may affect his bladder and how soon kidney function will resume? Martin

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Thank you all for replying! Yes he has a follow up on monday and im hopeing for more details too facts from doctors but my Faith is in Jesus! Thanks again i will let you all know how things proceed its nice to share and hear of similar experiences- i wish i could be a fly in the room and ask more questions that my dad might not buti can’t - thus i have Faith. 😊


My dads surgery went well the mass was inside his bladder blocking kidney does not have results yet - not sure if kidney functioning yet going in for follow up- was told smoking causes this alot- he hasnt smoked for over 20 years - any ideas?

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@formydad I'm sorry you haven't had much in the way of responses, this is obviously something that has not affected many people. I know nothing about it myself, but just wanted to comment, and tell you that I am thinking of you and your Dad, and hoping the mass removed was not malignant. Even though he has not smoked for a long time, I suppose it could have been the start of a problem. Some things take a long time to develop. I had non-alcoholic cirrhosis and by the time I was diagnosed, I was told that I probably had it for 10 years.
Please do keep us up on how it is going.


My dad got his results- it is cancer-doctor suggest removal of his non functioning kidney and the tube to his bladder he’s scheduled for surgery in may-but they said its a slow grower and most likely will be back- have not heard much more news - not sure how this will effect him having one kidney? Or anything else - just know ill be praying a lot- He knows He’s in control.


My dad got his results- it is cancer-doctor suggest removal of his non functioning kidney and the tube to his bladder he’s scheduled for surgery in may-but they said its a slow grower and most likely will be back- have not heard much more news - not sure how this will effect him having one kidney? Or anything else - just know ill be praying a lot- He knows He’s in control.

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Sorry to hear about the cancer,@formydad, but people can do quite well with only one kidney. Sending you positive vibes!


Update desperate- for answers
and i have lots of questions!
My dad was diagnosed with ‘ ‘bladder cancer’ doc said early slow growing-
My dad has had his kidney removed- as suggested by him -its unknown according to his urologist as to why it ceased to function -and i find that strange- - so today he went in to get staples removed still and Has not been told- “type” he has just bladder cancer . Was told he has a lot more in there in two weeks he goes in to get more scraped out- if / or then chemo or bladder removal. Im desperately trying to get my dad to ask more questions if not get a second opinion by someone-else- ANY ADVICE?


I'm a so sorry this is happening to your Dad and to you. I am imagining he is overwhelmed. It may help if after the two of you talk about specifics if you can jot down notes for him to bring with to his next appointment so he remembers what to ask. It can be hard to think of everything when you're in an appointment.


Update desperate- for answers
and i have lots of questions!
My dad was diagnosed with ‘ ‘bladder cancer’ doc said early slow growing-
My dad has had his kidney removed- as suggested by him -its unknown according to his urologist as to why it ceased to function -and i find that strange- - so today he went in to get staples removed still and Has not been told- “type” he has just bladder cancer . Was told he has a lot more in there in two weeks he goes in to get more scraped out- if / or then chemo or bladder removal. Im desperately trying to get my dad to ask more questions if not get a second opinion by someone-else- ANY ADVICE?

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@formydad Would your dad be comfortable having you along with him on appointments? Often it is overwhelming while you're in the doctor's office. You forget to ask a question, or terms are not clear and you don't know how to ask them to go slow and be clear because you're trying to listen to the next thing the doctor is saying. Of course, this is if you live in the same area as your dad. If not, perhaps there is someone else who could accompany him. His doctors need to be aware that he doesn't grasp everything going on and everybody needs answers. It's hard to consent to procedures if you don't fully understand. I hope that you will come back, and check in to let us know what's happening. As for functioning with one kidney, yes, that definitely can be done. In the kidney community those waiting for transplant often will say "do you have a spare?" because we have two kidneys and you can function well on just one.

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