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Sadness over diagnosis

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: May 8, 2019 | Replies (80)

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Thanks Sayaboleh. It's stories like yours and others that have given me so much hope that I can eventually have a normal and active life and live several more years in decent health (as in not an invalid or feeling so rotten I don't enjoy life at all). As I said earlier, I felt rotten for a month, maybe six weeks, and thought that this is no way to live--miserable all the time just because I don't feel well enough to do anything. But in the past couple weeks I've been feeling gradually better and my afib has subsided to where I only feel palpitations (and the resulting tiredness) sometimes only once a day. Sometimes I feel them on and off all day, with the weird feelings and tiredness that go along with them, but at least it's not as often as it was. It was a rough ride at first with the tachycardia, sleeplessness, feeling rotten. It's so much better now. Additionally, this is the first time I've ever really felt my mortality. I always took my good health for granted. As the docs said when I had my echocardiagram and stress test--my heart is perfect. My lungs are good. So now I'm waiting to hear if I have sleep apnea after taking that overnight test. I have struggled with bronchial issues from as far back as I remember (my dad was a smoker), so that may have brought this on too as I am somewhat asthmatic. But, as my cardiologist said, I may never know what started it. And no, there are only two EPs in my city. I haven't seen one yet. Still waiting on test results. I'm not ready for an ablation, and as long as my palpitations are few and far between, I am not sure I need one. I'm hoping to put off any more aggressive measures until they are necessary, especially if I'm going to live many more years. I know this is a progressive condition, so will explore that later as it will probably get worse.
You have been through so much. It is wonderful that you find so many things to make you happy and make your life worthwhile. I worked as a caregiver until last Christmas when I got bronchitis again bad. And then the afib happened. I will find my path as I feel more healthy and stronger.
Thanks again for the words of encouragement. You are a role model for me for sure.

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Replies to "Thanks Sayaboleh. It's stories like yours and others that have given me so much hope that..."

@catmom777 Good to hear that your afib symptoms are becoming more manageable or maybe you are slowly getting used to them! Yes, ablation was always considered to be a last resort -- if and only if your symptoms become intolerable. Having said that, it is minimally invasive requiring an overnight stay at most - sometimes same day and beats open heart surgery any day. Just nice to know that it is there should one need it and for the most part it works. Stay well! Mary