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@jenniferhunter I’m sorry I didn’t respond to you sooner about my experience with vitrectomy for “floaters.”Yes, I too was very near sighted since childhood and yes, the vitreous does deteriorate with age. But it is not true to say there is nothing to be done about it. Opthalmologists we usually see cannot help us, but ophthalmologists who vitreoretinal surgeons can. It has been about two months since I had surgery on one of my eyes. My recovery has been uneventful so far. There was minor discomfort after surgery and for a week or so and my eye sometimes feels dry and scratchy but even if this never got better I would gladly exchange it for being rid of the “floaters.”My vision in that eye right after the surgery was 20/30. Last week it was 20/20. The surgery to remove the vitreous that had detached and degenerated and was obscuring my vision with floaty, blotchy, gauzy spots and clumps was noticeably successful the next day when the patch on the eye was removed. You say you clear your vision by waiting for these floaters to settle. How long have floaters been bothering you? My floaters have been obvious to me for several years, one eye sooner than the other. Mine did not settle, I would have to constantly move my head and blink to get the floaters out of my central field of vision. It was wearing and made driving and reading difficult and tiring. I can only imagine how difficult it would be for for an artist. My surgeon told me that they cannot determine by looking into the eye how big a problem the deteriorating vitreous is for the patient. In some cases it would appear to them that it should be a huge problem but the patient has no complaints. And conversely, it doesn’t appear to them so significant and yet the patient is terribly affected. I think surgeons are reluctant to rely on subjective reports from patients. That and the fact that vitrectomy has a slight risk of a detached retina has led ophthalmologists to discount patient reports and distress. I told an opthalmolist that I think calling this surgery FOV, Floater Only Vitrectomy, is really a misnomer. While technically descriptive it subtly diminishes the seriousness of the experience for the patient because the phenomena experienced by many people with a deteriorating vitreous is unlike any floaters previously experienced in life. One learns to ignore the occasional floater. You can’t learn to ignore obscuring clouds or blotches if they remain in the central field of vision. I am eager to proceed with surgery on my other eye but must wait a few more weeks.

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Replies to "@jenniferhunter I’m sorry I didn’t respond to you sooner about my experience with vitrectomy for “floaters.”Yes,..."

@susan2018 Thanks so much for your reply. I've been aware of the loose vitreous in my left eye for a few years. I'm not sure, but maybe 5 years ago? The right eye happened about a year after the left. Mine settle when I concentrate on holding my eye still. Blinking doesn't affect it, but they move after I move the direction of my gaze. It might take about 2 or 3 seconds for them to settle. They seem to move the opposite direction of where my eye turns which makes sense because that is how water reacts if you slosh it in a bucket. If you turn the bucket, the water stay stationary. I thank you for sharing your experience. Please check in and let me know how you're doing when you have the other eye done.