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~ Depressed and scared, not making it financially ~

Mental Health | Last Active: Mar 19, 2022 | Replies (428)

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I assume I'm still in the "aging well" site ...... I hope so. In January I turned 75. All of a sudden it hit me! OMG! I'm getting old! I start figuring out how much time I may still have (right now I'm in excellent health with only a knee replacement), and my Dad lived to 86, even with Alzheimers. Has this ever "hit" any of you? It sort of took me aback. Oh, I "knew" the reality, but somehow now it got deep down inside. And, you all know my situation with the move and financially so I won't go into that again. If I had that money back, that the F.A. essentially stole from me, I'd have gone back to Frederick in a heartbeat, especially after I found out that my X-husband only lived about 20-25 minutes away.....UGH. I knew he was "down here somewhere" as my girls told me, but I had no idea he was that close. Anyhow, I really mentally feel old - not physically, but mentally. I keep thinking that "time is short, it won't be long now, and get ready." As if I don't struggle with depression (bipolar 1) enough, now I am fretting about this. I've read many books about it from the Christian viewpoint which are very encouraging, but I keep wondering .... "what is it like?" Thanks for listening. abby

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Replies to "I assume I'm still in the "aging well" site ...... I hope so. In January I..."

@amberpep, Hi, Abby, at 76yrs old, I sometimes shake my head in wonder that I am really past the 3/4th century mark. However, it only takes a moment's reflection of recalling life events to make me marvel that I am still here at all, much less still standing and able to walk. vbg

Several chronic health issues plus age have put me in that "vulnerable" population for COVID-19. Before the pandemic arrived in the U.S., I was aware of less energy and taking more frequent "sit down breaks" from tasks that before would keep me at them longer. I had stopped going out as often socially mainly due to changes in my friends' lives. Some had moved away; others were moving into senior establishments and some had died. However, with the constant bombardment of virus news, I began self-isolating earlier than acquaintances, neighbors and friends in my area. Although I live in a smaller city, TX is a state that "re-opened" early and continues to report increases in virus numbers daily. Although I am one of the youngest in the eight family homes at end of the end of our block, I am the only one who is still staying put and ordering local grocery deliveries.

The locals I mentioned above are attending church, getting hair and nails done, shopping at nurseries, groceries and stores. Many of that group are in their mid-80's and I've begun to question if I am the one living in an alternate universe by staying home.

While some seem energized and are busily getting rid of things no longer needed, wanted or used in their homes, I seem to be in more of a fog. My "virus" daily routine differs from my "before" March 13th activities. However, I made an early decision to jot down three tasks to do each day the night before. Short and "doable", they give me a direction each morning. I also start and end each day by adding to a growing list of gratitudes.

None of us can know how long or short our time will be but it continues to amaze me that so many of us here having taken individual safety health precautions are still trucking along after so many weeks of the pandemic. One of the many benefits of this support group is that others know and understand the challenges, fears and concerns that befall us all. While the specifics may differ, we share a common desire to support, encourage and empathize with one another.

What helps me most when feeling blue or anxious is to literally "make myself" do something physical. I even play the childhood dare of promising myself a "reward" if I'll just "do" whatever. Maybe infantile and the rewards are simple and free but giving myself the "permission" to take an afternoon "off" or having a dinner from the freezer rather than doing another from scratch seems to do the trick for me. smiles

Are you following any of the Connect threads for special interests or hobbies like the walking, visual, just want to talk, or others?