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~ Depressed and scared, not making it financially ~

Mental Health | Last Active: Mar 19, 2022 | Replies (428)

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Hi @amberpep, As per @gingerw's suggestion, I moved your new message to the discussion where you've told your story and received lovely support from so many caring members. This discussion now appears in both the Mental Health group where you originally posted it and in the Aging Well group where you posted.

Abby, it must be discouraging to read today's post and compare it to your post from 15 months ago and to see that your messages are almost the same. How can we help you move forward? Rather than looking in the rear view mirror and only seeing past times as "blissfully happy," how can you look out the front window and make small steps to accepting those things that have to be accepted and changing things that are in your control?

What is one thing that you can do today to make you smile?

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Replies to "Hi @amberpep, As per @gingerw's suggestion, I moved your new message to the discussion where you've..."

Thank you so much Colleen ..... I appreciate your taking the time to write. My only "hobby" is reading .... another isolated venture. I truly think 90% of my feelings are due to the move. I was so happy up there, all my friends were there (here I have 1 "sort of" friend), my church up there (I haven't found any that fit at this point down here), all my neighbors were like a big family, my therapist is there, and I absolutely loved my condo and how cozy and safe I felt in it. It was mine and I decorated it to suit myself. I knew where to go for everything, and felt totally settled in, sort of like an old tree. I'd been in Frederick County for 32 years. Now I live in a low income community, with everything that goes with it .... drugs, fights, guns, hookers. I'm never out after dark. The other day I was walking my dog and about 30 ft. away was a group of boys - all about 10-11 (that's a guess). As I walked by one of them shouted "you can't "F" a dog." That did it ..... I turned around and told him that if lived in my house he'd have a bar of soap in his mouth. They stay away from me now. The people that "love" this town were born and raised here in the area, and they have very narrow definite ideas, so of course that always makes me a "yankee." I just should have never left Frederick .... my mistake and I'll probably pay for it forever. There's really nothing anyone can do .... it just is what it is.