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Just Want to Talk | Last Active: May 3, 2024 | Replies (2440)

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I'm sure those memories are very special. Just know how fortunate you are to have the ability to recall those wonderful times. Rejoice in those Golden memories and cherish them.
Many of us don't have that ability. It never seemed to matter much to me until after my parents passed along with all my Dads family and virtually all my Mom's. They were my memory.
Don't ever take that ability for granted or anything else. I learned about taking things for granted when my Dad became paralyzed. Seeing all those paralyzed people some much worse than my Dad.
I learned about taking things for granted especially when I saw a man in an iron lung. I found out he didn't have any arms or legs. He taught me the real difference between wants and needs and taking things for granted.
It was 50 years ago but seems like yesterday.

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Replies to "@gingerw @fiesty76 I'm sure those memories are very special. Just know how fortunate you are to..."

@jakedduck1 We do need to remind ourselves of how fortunate we are when so many people are less fortunate. I try to remember and it can be a real wake-up call at times.
Thank you for mentioning all of this.

@jakedduck1 Wise words, Jake.

@jakedduck1 I've worked with iron lungs and the person that's in one it ,well it's heartbreaking. You are a wise man even if your kooky at times lol We all enjoy your comments it wouldn't be the same if you weren't on here Happy St Patty's day

Great post and heart touching too, @jakedduck1. Whatever our circumstance, the gratitudes list can always out weigh those "if onlys" or "what might have beens", right?