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Recipes, Food Tips, Healthy Eating & More

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: May 3, 2024 | Replies (2440)

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Starting with sardines I would only buy from Portugal. Spain and Portugal care more about the quality of their seafood than any other country and they also produce canned muscles, squid, mackerel and clams. Our Publix sells many different brands from Portugal. If I see grilled octopus on a restaurant menu I ask where it is from and will only eat octopus from Spain. I usually only see this in Italian restaurants and high-end restaurants. I think any canned salmon that is labeled Wild is probably good. The word sustainability is not an easy word to decipher, it’s not black-and-white and can mean different things to different producers.
Fish notably scallops from Canada and down the Atlantic Coast is an another area that produces superior fish.
Our Publix sells fresh, previously frozen fish but I don’t know where it’s from. They also sell this fish frozen in one and 2 pound bags. I’ve only ever had their wild sockeye that was frozen.
Chile and Japan are other countries that produce good fish.

Costco sells Baramundi which is a sweet white mild fish from Australia. I always buy a big frozen bag there because of the price. You can find this in Whole Foods and sprouts.
It’s easier to trace the source of canned fish then it is fresh fish unless you happen to know a particular fish market. If you could understand what the codes and numbers mean on these cans you could probably trace back to its origins. We’re lucky to have a few good fresh seafood markets in my area and also a good number of ethnic food markets where you can find the most unusual products.

I do the same for a grass fed beef when I buy it. I look at the company that produces it and then research the company. Aldi supermarkets happens to have the best grass fed ribeye I have ever tasted. Even if you overcook it it’s still so tender. They also have organic chicken and chicken cutlets that are very tender.

I wind up going to several different stores when I shop and always buy my organic veggies at Sprouts. I like that you can buy one cucumber or one pepper instead of a package. So it’s not easy to know where your food comes from but you can research and if you come across something that is good then you know where to buy it. I wish supermarkets would stop using the term “natural” as it doesn’t really mean anything. It’s a crap shoot at times. But my family enjoys cooking, watching cooking shows and reading about the history of food...both son and daughter are excellent cooks and have given me a renewed interest in food.

So it is ribeye with onions and mushrooms , leftover red cabbage and spinach for dinner tonight....maybe some leftover cubed butternut squash.....red wine and too many Bark Thins.
Seems strange to be eating dinner at 6:30 or 7 when it’s still light out.

FL Mary

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Replies to "@hopeful33250 Starting with sardines I would only buy from Portugal. Spain and Portugal care more about..."

Yes, Portugal is my source for sardines.