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Weary of Caregiving

Caregivers | Last Active: Feb 23, 2020 | Replies (62)

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Although I haven’t posted since Feb 2019, that doesn’t mean that all has been resolved in my caregiving life. My husband has had followup at Mayo regarding pancreatic cysts that were an incidental finding on scans he had done during his January hospitalization. Long story short, after local doctor appointments, local specialists appts, three Mayo evaluation appts (with some frustrating coordination of care issues), he is scheduled for a Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple) Surgery. We are hopeful and grateful for the care of Mayos’s practitioners. We now can also be grateful for his hospitalization last January that resulted in the discovery of his pancreatic condition, while it is apparently still in a precancerous state. But this past year, which started last September with a heart attack and quadruple bypass has been challenging. In addition my aged mother, who lives “independently” but only with much assistance from me, has had her own health issues and needs more assistance. I am feeling stretched thin. I am taking proactive steps for self care, investigating use of calming essential oils and scheduling an appt. with a therapist to talk about my emotions relating to the challenges of this past year, but unfortunately can’t get in for an appointment for another month. I know my husband is dealing with his own emotions and I try not to burden him with those that are my own to deal with. He doesn’t want to hear my distress, shutting down my occasional release of frustration when one more difficulty presents itself. Perhaps it only heightens his own feelings that he may find difficult to deal with, reminds him of his present frailty after a lifetime of health or even makes him feel guilty (unjustifiably so) that he is contributing to my burdens. I don’t know, but it leaves me feeling alone and even wrong for feeling frustrated. I’ve always been the strong one, the one others turn to and depend on, the one who knows what to do. Right now I’m not feeling that way.

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Replies to "Although I haven’t posted since Feb 2019, that doesn’t mean that all has been resolved in..."

@susan2018 You have had a plateful of things going on! Good for you for taking steps to look after yourself, and understand that you need to have an outlet. Have you asked your husband about some joint counseling, so you may be a united team, and explore how best to approach all you both are facing? We care here, and would like to hear from you again/

Hello @susan2018, I so appreciate your honesty as you have expressed that you are "feeling stretched thin," This is so understandable! As @gingerw said, you do have a lot on your plate right now and I'm glad to hear that you are working on some self-care with counseling. I would also encourage you that you get out of the house with friends to see a movie, have lunch, etc. You might check to see if your community offers respite care so that your husband and/or mother do not have to be left alone while you get away for a while.

Do you take walks or do other exercises? There are great YouTube videos, completely free of charge, that can lead you with yoga stretches, Tai Chi, chair exercises, etc. Take a look and see what might be helpful.