Primary doctor: How to manage when we disagree?
I could use some help with this. About 5 yrs ago my primary physician retired. I saw him from 18 to 57. Loved him. Now I am at one I like him, but there are some issues that have come. I go to him because he is a weight loss physician non surgical and I have lost 30 lbs seeing him. However in July I broke my back quite seriously . The neurosurgeons in his group let me heal for 6. Mo in a turtle shell and then told me I. Needed a 3 level fusion. As I thought about this I don't wasn't a fusion. I first want to try PT to heal. He never once suggested a second opion. He called me in for a apt and road me up and down the walk and asked why I was not having this fusion. So I told him. I have RSD I have had enough pain in my life and I would like to try PT first. He said Neuro said was not a option. I was in tears when I left. So I looked up a couple of ortho surgeons on my own got 2 options. Both looked at all my cats, men's and took new Cray. Both said my spine was stable. So we can try PT but if my pain level goe up then it's off to surgery. I agreed. So at my next weight loss visit he was kind of angry. He said do you know the difference between a orthopaedic Dr a a ortho surgeon and I said yes. He's said one you sure your at the right one.let just put it this way. He was not happy I was not having surgery. But on the flip side I lost 2 pounds. Thinking about switching Dr's but who do I go to ?
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thankyou so much very helpful.