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New to the world of Hypertension Meds

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Jan 22, 2019 | Replies (21)

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Hello @wigreenthumb

Many of us on Connect have discussed the problem of sleep and the use of Metoprolol. I tried it for several weeks and then called my doctor and he switched me to another beta blocker, Atenolol. It also works on BP and heart rate but I do not have the same side effects as I did on the Metoprolol. Here is a website that discusses Metoprolol, https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682864.html.
If you scroll down to "Side Effects" you will see stomach pain as one side effect. On other websites I have also seen sleep difficulties.

If you continue to have these problems, your cardiologist could probably help you find another med that would help you without these side effects.

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Replies to "Hello @wigreenthumb Many of us on Connect have discussed the problem of sleep and the use..."

I have been taking Atenolol for a number of years and it has kept my blood pressure stable. At one time at the same time I was also on Lisinoprol which had a number of side effects and didn't do much for keeping the bp under control. At the doctor's office in December 2018 my bp reading was 120/70 The dosage I take is one 25mg Atenolol at 6 a.m and another one at 6 p.m.

Thanks for your reply. I only have a primary care doctor, as I new to BP control, but have decided to seek a cardiologist. The big problem is it will take 1-2 months to get an appointment with a cardiologist. Its tough working with only a primary care doctor.