Shingles and Postherpetic Neuralgia and Pain

Posted by tikigod18 @tikigod18, Jan 13, 2019

Has anyone suffered from LONG lasting neuropathic pain as a result of Shingles, and what treatment do you use for the pain? My daughter had shingles at 21, a spinal cord stimulator inserted and removed, many trigger point injections, all of which may have contributed to the thoracic pain she has. She is now 34, and teaches yoga, but is still on a compound prescribed by a pain management Dr. in NYC what is basically Oxy. I am paying for this, since neither she nor her husband can afford it at around $500 a month. She could not find a physician in Fl. I know who would prescribe this medication after 10 years, thus the use of an out of state physician. I do not want to see her suffer, nor can I discuss much with her since we barely speak, but this expense, coupled with paying for asthma inhalers that are expensive is becoming more and more of a strain. Any thoughts for alternatives are appreciated.

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I have not been on here for sometime. I was sorry to see the red light laser did not work for Hank's wife. How are you doing I am down to using it only 1 or 2 times a week now. I hope you are having the same results. I learned from Hank that too high of a setting and most likely too often can cause more pain. So I use it only on the 1 setting and like I said only 1 or 2 times a week. I couldn't be happier with my results. Hope you are getting good results. If you are feeling more pain then lower the setting and cut back how often you are using it. I know have a different problem I am dealing with. I swim a lot in the summer and for the past 2 years I have developed itchy ears. The opening of my ears itch something terrible. I was told by my Dr. 2 years ago it was probably an allergy. I have tried to check everything I eat and do and sleep on and even my detergent and shampoo. Nothing makes any difference to the itch. This week I am calling my Dr. to see if I could have picked up a fungus at our local pool last summer. That is what the pharmacist said to do. Why is it we can solve one problem and another pops up? Maddening!

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Jerid, so glad to hear from you as I was just about to return my TRX also as I believe the pain had also gotten worse rather than improving! Since I have until the end of January for the return I will try using it 2-3 times a week on the lowest setting to see if that will help before I give up! Really want it to work so I can get relief from this every day pain for almost 3 years now! What is your pain like now compared to when you first started this treatment? Thanks Bunny


I have little to no pain except in one spot where the tingling started originally, but even that is so much better. Mornings are the most challenging for me to get going, but once I do I am good for the day. It isn't necessarily from pain, but more of a somewhat burning sensation. Even with that I can't complain anymore. I too was using it 2 or 3 times a week, but it just seemed to be too much, so I have gone down to once a week and only 2 if needed. Today has been a good day. As a matter of fact right now I have zero burning, zero pain, but because it effected my left eye I still have to wear special blue light eye glasses when on the computer. If & when I don't my eye really suffers for it. Try just doing once a week and see how that works or even 2 and spread them out. Another thing in conjunction with the TRX I get my neck adjusted thorough a really good chiropractor and the 2 work hand in hand. He does the manual adjustments. Not that crazy gun. He is a rare chiropractor. He is thrilled that I have found such good relief with the TRX. We just have to listen to what our body is telling us. Gosh, girl I want this to work for you as it has me. I pray for you a lot that it does. This pain is no fun as is NO kind of pain. It is so sad to read of all the pain that the members of this sight go through on a daily basis. I feel so blessed and I want that for you and everyone on here. Other than World Peace and a honest government- pain free members is my prayer. Actually I should put that first because the other 2 just don't seem likely, at this time anyway. God bless you and keep working at it. Pray pray pray for God's help.


So happy for you as I know the relief you must be feeling! I will try again, low dose and less time because I too really want it to work🙏 Also praying for our Country and I still think the outcome isn’t over yet😊🇺🇸 God is in control, thanks so much Jerid and I will keep you updated on my results❤️


Good girl. Don't give up just yet. Merry Christmas and God Bless America!


Good girl. Don't give up just yet. Merry Christmas and God Bless America!

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@jerid @bunnyp
Jeri, I am very happy your's has been such a success story, there are so few of them that anyone has to tell. Bunny, I will hold out hope for you. After Linda quit the light her pain was pretty bad for a week or two but seemed to calm don after that, thank goodness. She is more or less in the same boat as before. Maybe the TRX light is not so great for neuropathy but better perhaps for shingles. Best to both of you and Merry Christmas to you guys also. Hank


Thanks Hank, I am going to give it two more weeks at lowest setting and maybe only twice a week and see how it goes🥴 At least I will know I tried hard to make it work! Merry Christmas to you all and especially for a better 2021 for everyone 🙏


Hank, My pain is from the nerve damage done with my Shingles. I actually have neuropathy on the left side of my scalp, forehead and part of my face. I actually had the Shingles 5 years ago and have suffered with this pain ever since. I don't know if her type of neuropathy is different than this from Shingles. I wish it had worked for Linda. So sorry Linda is still in such pain. I feel for her. Please give her our best and our prayers for her. There has to be something out there that will work for her. No one is meant to suffer like she has. Lord please grace Linda with the knowledge of the treatment needed to remove her pain from her body. God Bless. Jeri


I'm a 68 yr old active with a healthy lifestyle woman + Had shingles 2006, 2018, 2021 first Moderna covid shot March 20th a few days before second shot April 17th shingles started to appear; after second shot they went "viral" I had many bands and massive pain, now almost 2 months later the pain is still uncomfortable even with preventive measures I took with first two earlier cases + The first two cases were mild I used lots of Carlson's L lysine powder and ate lots of L lysine containing foods. Because L Arginine can promote shingles I avoided foods with high Arginine which seemed to keep the first two shingles mild + When I asked my Naturopath about the covid shots before taking them, his concern was that many people will have other viral infections because the shots make the body more vulnerable to other viruses. I did not think about shingles but wow did it hit me + Also for many years even before the first shingles, I have been plagued by Herpes simplex cold sores. My MD said it makes sense to wait three years before having a shingles shot but I am not sure it will work? Thanks, to our health, Farmersmith


I'm a 68 yr old active with a healthy lifestyle woman + Had shingles 2006, 2018, 2021 first Moderna covid shot March 20th a few days before second shot April 17th shingles started to appear; after second shot they went "viral" I had many bands and massive pain, now almost 2 months later the pain is still uncomfortable even with preventive measures I took with first two earlier cases + The first two cases were mild I used lots of Carlson's L lysine powder and ate lots of L lysine containing foods. Because L Arginine can promote shingles I avoided foods with high Arginine which seemed to keep the first two shingles mild + When I asked my Naturopath about the covid shots before taking them, his concern was that many people will have other viral infections because the shots make the body more vulnerable to other viruses. I did not think about shingles but wow did it hit me + Also for many years even before the first shingles, I have been plagued by Herpes simplex cold sores. My MD said it makes sense to wait three years before having a shingles shot but I am not sure it will work? Thanks, to our health, Farmersmith

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Hello @farmersmith, Welcome to Connect. Thank you for sharing your experience and how you've managed shingles. I just received my Shingrix vaccine after having both Pfizer COVID shots. I have not had shingles but have friends and family who have experienced it and that's what prompted me to get it. Here's some information I found that helps explain waiting to get the Shingrix shot.

"There is no specific length of time that you need to wait after having shingles before you can receive Shingrix, but generally you should make sure the shingles rash has gone away before getting vaccinated. You can get Shingrix whether or not you remember having had chickenpox in the past." -- Shingrix Shingles Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know:

Have you reported your Moderna side effects on the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System - website?


Hank, My pain is from the nerve damage done with my Shingles. I actually have neuropathy on the left side of my scalp, forehead and part of my face. I actually had the Shingles 5 years ago and have suffered with this pain ever since. I don't know if her type of neuropathy is different than this from Shingles. I wish it had worked for Linda. So sorry Linda is still in such pain. I feel for her. Please give her our best and our prayers for her. There has to be something out there that will work for her. No one is meant to suffer like she has. Lord please grace Linda with the knowledge of the treatment needed to remove her pain from her body. God Bless. Jeri

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Jerid, I had shingles on the left side of my face in October 2019. The left side of my face including my eye and scalp are still tingling and numb. The last couple of days I have had a cob web feeling running across my cheek and chin only occasionally. I haven't had pain thank goodness but it is so aggravating. Is there anything that they can do for this? I'm thinking about making an appointment pretty soon.

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