Information about Renal Parenchyma Disease.

Posted by Hope Augustine @hopeudoh, Jan 5, 2019

I have been diagnosed of renal parenchyma disease. I have been experiencing symptoms such as swelling of feet, normness of hands and feet, and pain on the left side of my stomach. Though the swelling has reduced, I'm still experiencing the normness of my hands and feet and pain on the left side of my stomach. Please, what do I do? How can this disease be treated? What type of food should I eat or avoid? What are other things that could help as well?

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Welcome to Mayo Connect, Hope (@hopeudoh). I am anxious to give you some information about your disease and some assurance that treatments are available, both as long-standing traditional therapies and in clinical research trials that are testing new therapies. But it might not be possible for me to answer your questions without knowing something about what might be the cause of your Renal Parenchyma Disease. There is number of possible causes -- diabetes and high blood pressure, for example, are only two of a dozen or more possible causes. Also, the threats from the disease range across three grades, from low to high; the level of threat is important in selecting therapies for your treatment plan.

With that background in mind, may I ask how you obtained the diagnosis? Do you have ready access to a Nephrologist? How about an advanced medical clinic known for its study, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney diseases -- famous in the field of Nephrology? For example, could you take advantage of Mayo Clinic services described in this web site: As an alternative, could you access the leading public medical college in your state?

If you wish, get back to us with any additional information you can share about your diagnosis or your ability to access the services you need. Martin

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