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I’m so sorry you’ve had such a hard journey. My husband and my oldest daughter are Bi polar. I know it’s a struggle for them but it’s also hard on their family. My husband is doing well with only occasional lows. My daughter is ok but suffers really bad with anxiety. I finally have her going to my psychiatrist and I know he’s going to help her. As for Cymbalta YES YES YES!!! I never want to go anywhere!! I have to force myself to get out. Have you asked your dr about this?

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Thanks so much for saying this!!!! This site is such a Blessing. I am sorry if I came out like a whiny little brat before but there is so much more I am a wonderful person inside - I was always on the GO Go Go ! I never stop helping my children and others. I love life. On my facebook it says Look for the good in everything and everyone ! I am not kidding. I worry about my first born because I am so afraid she is gonna die young. She is almost 40. She is a genius that just gave up. She is into drugs and the kids love her to death anyway. But they raised themselves. She has never forgiven me for something. I am so ashamed, of, but she has made me pay dearly. I guess I wish I could just hold her so tight. Get up and start caring about others and yourself. My counselor told me to let the kids go. My ex molested by son in diapers. He got away with it because he was a narc. He convinced the kids I was crazy. Nobody wants to even talk about this. I do not say anything to my kids about the past. My son is a mess. I will not go into details but my ex was bi too I lived a Christian life for 30 years. He is psychopathic and narcissistic. I was so naive in life. It is a long story that people would find hard to believe I have always been patient and helped so many children; special needs etc. I am beginning to think that the Cymbalta has changed my life. I never stayed home. All I ever wanted was to have family over with the grandkids on the weekends etc. I lived my whole life for my children. If I dont accept the past and let it go in my head I will never be able to move on in life. Again I am sorry for coming across so whiny. I have PTSD/ ADHD . You can see it in my thoughts wondering around in the posts Happy New Years If anyone was on Cymbalta with side effects of not leaving the house or driving let me know. Ps, I have been walking around my yard with Duke (DOG)thinking about life. Happy New Years!