← Return to Afib with Rapid Ventricular Response


Afib with Rapid Ventricular Response

Heart Rhythm Conditions | Last Active: May 21, 2019 | Replies (30)

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Thank you. I've been heart obsessed all my life, I've had the darn things, two EPs were willing to ablate, but they weren't serious, but frequent. Anyone with them, when you first become aware, or if they markedly change, needs to see their doctor. But my wife worked for a cardiologist, they had patients with irregular heart rhythms that were so bad she couldn't get an accurate pulse, they'd get the heart rate from the EKG. The doctor came in, talked to the guy, took his wrist and asked him if he ever has any irregular heart beats. He said no. The doctor didn't tell him because he didn't want him to obsess about it, his heart was healthy otherwise.

A coworker in afib that returned to work with it that way. I took his pulse, OMG, it was all over the place. But his doctor cleared him to return to work, and the plant doctor cleared him too. I just didn't realize within 10 years (actually less) I'd be in the same condition.

Thanks again for the good advise.

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Replies to "Thank you. I've been heart obsessed all my life, I've had the darn things, two EPs..."

I'm sure this must be a very frightening disorder, @soliloquized. I hope that you are able to get the help you need. You have had a lot of heart problems and you deserve to get good care.

You seem to be content with your current medical team so a second opinion does not seem to be an option for you now, does it?

Take care and do your best to relax. Tension can make any health problem worse. I wish you well.

Will you keep in touch and let me know how you are doing?