How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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What medications do you take for IBS and have you tried dietary changes?


Dicyclomine helps me. I also am gluten and dairy free which has helped my IBS because I tested positive for a wheat allergy and cows milk allergy.


If you haven't tried it already, you may want to look into the FODMAP diet. Each letter in the word "FODMAP" stands for a type of carbohydrate. I worked with a dietitian but there are a lot of books and online sites that will explain the diet in detail. For the first 6 weeks it will be an elimination diet, including wheat and dairy. After that you will add each type of FODMAP to help determine if any of them are causing problems. I've been following it more or less since the beginning of 2018 and have been doing much better. I found that high fructose corn syrup in most regular sodas, and all breads except sour dough (which is allowed on the diet) are problems for me. The cause of IBS can be different for each of us, but it might be worth a try!


If you haven't tried it already, you may want to look into the FODMAP diet. Each letter in the word "FODMAP" stands for a type of carbohydrate. I worked with a dietitian but there are a lot of books and online sites that will explain the diet in detail. For the first 6 weeks it will be an elimination diet, including wheat and dairy. After that you will add each type of FODMAP to help determine if any of them are causing problems. I've been following it more or less since the beginning of 2018 and have been doing much better. I found that high fructose corn syrup in most regular sodas, and all breads except sour dough (which is allowed on the diet) are problems for me. The cause of IBS can be different for each of us, but it might be worth a try!

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Totally agree. I struggled with diarrhea and discomfort for four months and lost twenty pounds. I started improving within three weeks of working with a nutritionist and following a Low FODMAP diet. I made lots of mistakes when I tried to follow the diet on my own. Would highly recommend seeking professional advice. I could go on and on about this, but there is a method to the diet. I think it can make a difference.


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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Hello @pjss48

I'm sorry to hear that your meds are no longer working for your IBS-D, I'm sure that is worrisome. As I am not a medical professional, just a patient like you, I can't explain why you are having this problem now. Have you contacted your doctor yet to inquire about this?

Just wondering: What other products do you use for the diarrhea? Has your doctor suggested anything else like a fiber supplement to help firm up the stools? Sometimes that is helpful.

I would encourage you to contact your doctor's office and see what they suggest. Will you let me know how you are doing?


Hello @pjss48

I'm sorry to hear that your meds are no longer working for your IBS-D, I'm sure that is worrisome. As I am not a medical professional, just a patient like you, I can't explain why you are having this problem now. Have you contacted your doctor yet to inquire about this?

Just wondering: What other products do you use for the diarrhea? Has your doctor suggested anything else like a fiber supplement to help firm up the stools? Sometimes that is helpful.

I would encourage you to contact your doctor's office and see what they suggest. Will you let me know how you are doing?

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Immodium and probiotics


Immodium and probiotics

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@pjss48 You might check with your doctor and see if a fiber supplement would be helpful.


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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I used Metamucil tonight


About the same

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Also remember that we just came out of holidays when we tend to go out to eat, eat more carbs, drink
alcohol, etc. You may be having a flair. As for fiber, my nutritionist recommended NutriSource, which is guar gum fiber. I take Florastor and Align daily. If you are experiencing diarrhea, try limiting carbs, sugar and grains. Avoid the potatoes, wheat toast, rice and apple sauce so often recommended. Try bananas, soft scrambled eggs, puréed carrots and chicken broth. Try for a few days and see if it helps you. Calling your GI doctor sounds like great advice. Hope you feel better soon. I know how debilitating the stomach gas, pain and diarrhea can be.

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