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Leukemia and Lymphoma

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Dec 15, 2018 | Replies (12)

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Hi. Two months ago, my primary doc saw weird numbers on a routine blood test and referred me to a nephrologist, who ordered an ultrasound that showed an atrophied kidney, so she then sent me to the urologist, who ordered a CT scan that showed a retroperitoneal mass, so she sent me to a surgeon, who sent me to the interventional radiologist for a biopsy (WHEW!). I just got the phone call with the diagnosis of small B cell lymphoma and will see the oncologist next (in a couple of weeks).

I am freaking out! I’m not that great at being patient, and I don’t yet know the stage or any treatment options/plan, so my questions are pretty amorphous at this point, but I would appreciate any advice. The mass took out my right kidney so I also have Stage 3 CKD, but my nephrologist reassured me that the two won’t really impact how either is treated.

All this in 2 months. I’m 70 and until about 6 months ago I was quite active (walking, hiking, doing Zumba). Now my exercise is mostly walking and I am just looking for suggestions on how best to approach this whole thing for maximum sanity, and any questions I should ask, things you think are good to know or do when first diagnosed, etc. Thank you in advance, I am grateful for this group!

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Replies to "Hi. Two months ago, my primary doc saw weird numbers on a routine blood test and..."

Hi, @stephaniet, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You'll notice I moved your message to this existing discussion, "Leukemia and Lymphoma." I did this so that you can connect with other members talking about lymphoma.

Click VIEW & REPLY in the email notification and you will be able to read through the past messages by members like @bassfmily @robbhiller @travelgirl and others. I'd also like to introduce you to @1nan.

A brand new diagnosis of diagnosis of small B cell lymphoma is stressful and challenging. I'm guessing you will have questions about the diagnosis, treatment options and what will happen next. I'm confident these members will be helpful to you as you process this new information and the feeling of freaking out, seek what questions you should ask and things that are good to know or do when first diagnosed, and await more information on the stage or any treatment options/plan.

Here is some Mayo Clinic information on lymphoma you may be interested in https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lymphoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20352638.

As you think about this diagnosis today, @stephaniet, what would you say is your greatest concern right now?