Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)

Posted by norby @norby, Nov 26, 2018

I had a right total knee replacement 10 weeks ago and came out of surgery with numbness and intermittent pain on the bottom of my right foot. However, I do have good motor function in that foot. The knee has been healing and with PT, movement is on track, but the foot is a major challenge. The foot pain at times is worse than any from the knee. I have been able to generally manage the foot pain with gabapentin. My surgeon believes this may resolve in time but may take from 6-12 months. However there is a possibility that it will never go away. Has anyone else experienced foot neuropathy following knee replacement? If so, what was your experience with it?

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Hi there yes he said it would take months. Im just wondering does he really know whats going on.
Thats what scares me the most.

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@josie1957 it hasn’t been very long yet so maybe he is right and it will resolve. I hear from others on here with post-TKR problems that they are told to give it a year.
If/when you feel an unreasonable amount of time has passed you should consider a second opinion from a doctor at a different medical center. I know it must be difficult to wait but you do need to try to be patient and hopefully it will go away either gradually or, as in my case when I had pain, almost overnight! .As I mentioned previously I do have some very minor numbness after water jogging for a long time. When I get that it goes away fairly quickly.
Please let us know how you are doing and if the numbness starts to decrease. I am not a medical person at all, but I think it might.


@josie1957 it hasn’t been very long yet so maybe he is right and it will resolve. I hear from others on here with post-TKR problems that they are told to give it a year.
If/when you feel an unreasonable amount of time has passed you should consider a second opinion from a doctor at a different medical center. I know it must be difficult to wait but you do need to try to be patient and hopefully it will go away either gradually or, as in my case when I had pain, almost overnight! .As I mentioned previously I do have some very minor numbness after water jogging for a long time. When I get that it goes away fairly quickly.
Please let us know how you are doing and if the numbness starts to decrease. I am not a medical person at all, but I think it might.

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I am not sure if this reply is going to one person or to everyone. I am almost 7 months out from right tkr. I can bike 50 miles but not walk comfortably at all. I have terrible numbness in my foot and mostly big toe, off and on, and pain on the inside of my foot and up my ankle under certain activities or positions. My ankle feels weak when
I walk and does not seem to want to do the work of walking, but resistant checks with rhe PT do not show weakness. I scheduled to see an orthopedist who specializes in foot and ankle problems. He works closely with tkr orthopedists, so maybe he will admit a connection to my tkr. This is not the place where I had my tkr.


I am not sure if this reply is going to one person or to everyone. I am almost 7 months out from right tkr. I can bike 50 miles but not walk comfortably at all. I have terrible numbness in my foot and mostly big toe, off and on, and pain on the inside of my foot and up my ankle under certain activities or positions. My ankle feels weak when
I walk and does not seem to want to do the work of walking, but resistant checks with rhe PT do not show weakness. I scheduled to see an orthopedist who specializes in foot and ankle problems. He works closely with tkr orthopedists, so maybe he will admit a connection to my tkr. This is not the place where I had my tkr.

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Your problem does sound odd. I am glad you have an appointment with a different doctor and I hope that doctor will be able to figure something out. From what I have heard, your type of problem is sometimes caused by an ill-fitting replacement. If that is the case it can be remedied by a new TKR (I know, not what you want to hear). I knew a woman who went through this, she had loads of trouble walking, and finally found a doctor who diagnosed her problem and had a new TKR. Problem solved!


I had a left TKR on 9/16/2019. I had swelling in the calf area along with the tingling and numbness in my foot. I had a ultrasound and I had develope a dvt blood clot in my calf. I can't stand more than 5 minutes without the back of my knee down to my foot being in a lot of pain. I am doing my pt. My outside of my knee is still numb. I also have alot of pain where the bottom part of the new knee is against the muscles in my inner knee. My surgeon said that is from the muscles being stressed and he showed me on my xrays the area. He said that the foot pain and the numbness in my knee should subside but it could take up to a year. I am at 120%
bent and 99% flat. He said my knee is looking great and the knee and scar is looking more like a post-op of a 12 week than just the 8 it is. Only if I can get rid of the pain in my calf and foot.


I had a left TKR on 9/16/2019. I had swelling in the calf area along with the tingling and numbness in my foot. I had a ultrasound and I had develope a dvt blood clot in my calf. I can't stand more than 5 minutes without the back of my knee down to my foot being in a lot of pain. I am doing my pt. My outside of my knee is still numb. I also have alot of pain where the bottom part of the new knee is against the muscles in my inner knee. My surgeon said that is from the muscles being stressed and he showed me on my xrays the area. He said that the foot pain and the numbness in my knee should subside but it could take up to a year. I am at 120%
bent and 99% flat. He said my knee is looking great and the knee and scar is looking more like a post-op of a 12 week than just the 8 it is. Only if I can get rid of the pain in my calf and foot.

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Hi @mustangmarylee Welcome to Connect.
It sounds as if your knee is progressing well, that's very good ROM. My flex has always hovered around 120 degrees and my straight leg flexion measurement has always been zero.
I hope the pain you are feeling will get less and less as time goes by, and that it won't take a year. I had pain for about six weeks that was fairly strong but then it got better very quickly and very suddenly. Oddly, I can't remember exactly where that pain was, just that it did hurt a lot and had me feeling very discouraged.
I will be looking forward to hearing how you progress, I will be hoping for the best with rapidly diminishing pain.


Hello I have the same problem after total Left knee replacement July 23, 2019 so I’m just 3 months after surgery. My surgeon said it should clear within 6 months. Nobody that I talk to has ever heard of this happening after knee surgery so you are the first. I’m anxious to know if you have improved or found anything that has helped with the numbness on the bottom of your foot.


No i have found nothing to help. It is like that all the time except it gets worse when I am standing up trying to do things like cooking, dishes, and showers. I am hoping it goes away soon


Foot neuropathy after my knee replacement, oh yes! Upon examination
The next morning after surgery; I had NO feeling in my foot. I’ve unfortunately experienced nerve damage caused from knee my replacement! Unfortunately four years later I’m still dealing with foot neuropathy; located beginning at the middle of my ankle downward on the top of my foot into my middle toes. I’ve been unlucky locating a doctor to correct this issue. I want Relief-HELP!
Over these past four years, I’ve taken gabapentin- 900 mg three times a day, Lyrica & Meloxicam. So far these medication did not stop the nerve pain and numbness I experience each day- all day. I’m feeling depressed; this award feeling is very annoying! I do find some relief by propping my Leg and Foot however does not lend to a good way of daily life, I cannot just sit 24/7.
Lately I did receive slight relief with a steroid injection in the top of my ankle/foot area, however this lasted apx 10 days, then the same feeling became a daily way of life again. I plan to try a second shot soon and hope this shot will last longer, but, we all know steroid shots cannot become A permanent way of life; As steroid shots will eventually cause tissue damage in this area.
I had my other knee replaced a year later and did not experience any nerve damage, it was a perfect surgery scenario, No issues!
So my first knee replacement was an unfortunate situation, I just want the nerve damage addressed and fixed properly! Is this too much to ask for? Living a good way of life, walking, sitting & living without foot and ankle nerve pain. Getting approved to see a Nerve Specislist takes months... & There is no guarantee the specialist will approve and except me as a patient. Once they read the story they run the opposite direction, are they afraid to get into the mess I see myself in? Again I just want this nerve damage corrected! It’s awful, painful, annoying, frustrating, aggravating, etc. etc. hopeful to find a surgeon to agree to and correct this issue I deal with daily.

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Hello, I feel your pain. I am 3 months post op. I have the exact same pain in the bottom of my foot. I take 3000 mg of gabapentin/day. I am going back to my orthopedic surgeon to see if he has any options for me. It looks like you have tried to correct this problem with no avail. Keep trying, don't give up, there has to be a way to fix this.


I too experienced changes in the feeling of the souls of my feet after knee replacement surgery. For me, the sensations or feeling were like intense and continuous pins and needles in the souls of my feet. Taking off -and putting in - bed socks has helped but eight weeks after surgery, the sensations or feelings remain uncomfortable and at times, prevent sleeping.
Like the earlier correspondent, I have been advised (by my surgical team) that the discomfort may subside as time goes on, but they also said that the discomfort may never go away completely.
I do think that there seems to be a whole range of disability aspects that may remain after total knee surgery, which are not made plain before surgery. These various outcomes (ie. continuing numbness of areas around the knee, the aforementioned souls of the feet numbness and pins and needles sensations etc.,) should really be known, as possible outcomes, by patients, before surgery occurs.

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I had two knee replacements about 4 and 5 years ago, I still have numbness in both my feet, no pain, just tingly and numbness, I was told that if it doesn’t go away, live with it.


I had both knees replaced (5) years ago, I have numbness and a tinkling feeling in both feet, no pain. Both knees are great good flexibility, no pain. Sometimes after a good long walk my feet hurt a little in the arches but the next day they are fine. Getting back to the numbness and tinkling, I’ve been told to live with it.

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