Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


I’m grateful that today is ”National Cookie Day”
which I plan on celebrating with gusto!

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@jakedduck1 National Cookie Day! How did I not know this? Made me think of my father, too @gingerw . I remember when I was trying to help him control his blood sugar. It was always too low when he woke up. I finally got an idea, and said “remember those cookies you always like? Well, have 1 about 10pm and the sugar should carry you through the night.” Not the best solution from a nurse, but it worked perfectly!


Hi Teresa,
His leg is getting lighter in color every day which is a gigantic relief. Although he's concerned about it breaking apart and having a pulmonary embolism. They have him on aspirin.
I read the effect of aspirin is substantially smaller than warfarin or the new oral blood thinners. I would want that clot gone asap as I'm sure he does. The pain is gone now. Obviously he's very relieved that his leg won't be amputated for the time being. His legs were severely injured and he's been concerned about losing them for nearly 50 years.
Thank you for asking,

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I'm sure that he (and you) are relieved about his legs becoming lighter in color, @jakedduck1. Is he able to walk or is there still a threat of the clot moving?


@jakedduck1 National Cookie Day! How did I not know this? Made me think of my father, too @gingerw . I remember when I was trying to help him control his blood sugar. It was always too low when he woke up. I finally got an idea, and said “remember those cookies you always like? Well, have 1 about 10pm and the sugar should carry you through the night.” Not the best solution from a nurse, but it worked perfectly!

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”National Cookie Day! How did I not know this?”
I can't imagine??? But it's okay to celebrate after the facti!!! Go ahead and eat your one cookie. But it can happen to the best of us. I got the dates wrong for some reason. My Mom passed away on National cake Day. Better late than not at all.
Just so you won't miss anymore essential dates,

National Pastery Day coming up Wed 12/9
National Candy Day 11/4
National Cake Day 11/26
National Cookie Day 12/4
National Pie Day 1/23

I am off to the Christmas store store I get a good bit of walking in there since they have stairs and I go up and down the stairs a few times. Maybe I can walk off one bite of a cookie.

Happy Holidays kids,


”National Cookie Day! How did I not know this?”
I can't imagine??? But it's okay to celebrate after the facti!!! Go ahead and eat your one cookie. But it can happen to the best of us. I got the dates wrong for some reason. My Mom passed away on National cake Day. Better late than not at all.
Just so you won't miss anymore essential dates,

National Pastery Day coming up Wed 12/9
National Candy Day 11/4
National Cake Day 11/26
National Cookie Day 12/4
National Pie Day 1/23

I am off to the Christmas store store I get a good bit of walking in there since they have stairs and I go up and down the stairs a few times. Maybe I can walk off one bite of a cookie.

Happy Holidays kids,

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@jakedduck1 You are certainly a font of knowledge! Maybe I’ll have to make some cookies except I don’t have any ingredients. I did make a vegan banana bread yesterday. Recipe said to wrap it up for 3 days before eating, so I haven’t tried it yet. But I did decide not more vegan bread.’ Now, I’ve got to get walking! Too many calories!


@jakedduck1 You are certainly a font of knowledge! Maybe I’ll have to make some cookies except I don’t have any ingredients. I did make a vegan banana bread yesterday. Recipe said to wrap it up for 3 days before eating, so I haven’t tried it yet. But I did decide not more vegan bread.’ Now, I’ve got to get walking! Too many calories!

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Golly, @becsbuddy, am I ever impressed that you could resist banana bread for 3 days! Whoo! What self-discipline!!

Happy to report that we've had warmer temps and Saturday's walk near a park pond had me thinking I might need to referee three ducks fussing over a hand tossed food scramble. They settled it on their own and a group of 4 teenage boys provided more diversion on their skateboards.


@jakedduck1 Im sorry has it been a year I remember when you told us . I know its hard the first year but it will get a bit easier now Have some dk chocolate maybe that will console a little . Take care Jake

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Hello @lioness
How are you? Its been a while since you last posted. I hope you are well.


Seems things have slowed down in this thread about gratitude. I encountered a situation at the pharmacy recently. Living in a bubble like I mostly do I did not know people were lined up for their 1st round of the vaccine. I was quietly waiting to pick up the thyroid medication when the 70+ man in front of me started verbalizing about the wait to get his shot. I found myself grateful to not have such a strong sense of entitlement that I would complain about waiting to get something that may protect me. Also grateful I held my tongue. Truly a blessing at this time.


Today I am especially grateful for my older daughter. It seems that life and circumstances have placed her exactly where she needs to be during this pandemic. She is an adrenaline junkie, an ER Nurse and trained Paramedic, 911 dispatcher and Law Enforcement officer sidelined by Covid last March. While she recovered, she was able to provide daycare for her sister's two little boys while Mom worked from home.

In June she transitioned to a tele-med job for her large urban hospital. In her role, she has honed her triage skills, used her vast network of contacts, and helped countless people. She worked from our den for a few weeks, and I was able to hear her patience, soothing tones, and vast efforts to help her sometimes difficult patients.

A few weeks ago, she took us to their Covid clinic when my husband had symptoms (we were all negative) and that got us both on the radar as "high risk", so we got notified this week and got the vaccine on Wednesday. Friday night her sister began to have some alarming symptoms, and she triaged her and took her to the ER, where they found a sudden, unexplained hematoma in her arm. This weekend, their hospital found themselves with unused, about to expire vaccine doses. She reached out and connected no fewer than a dozen friends and family members over 65, all on the state's "wait list" of 200,000 with the clinics to get injections yesterday, and was able to get at least 6 more patients vaccine.

These are just a few examples of this amazing woman being "in the right place at the right time" over the past few years.


Today I am especially grateful for my older daughter. It seems that life and circumstances have placed her exactly where she needs to be during this pandemic. She is an adrenaline junkie, an ER Nurse and trained Paramedic, 911 dispatcher and Law Enforcement officer sidelined by Covid last March. While she recovered, she was able to provide daycare for her sister's two little boys while Mom worked from home.

In June she transitioned to a tele-med job for her large urban hospital. In her role, she has honed her triage skills, used her vast network of contacts, and helped countless people. She worked from our den for a few weeks, and I was able to hear her patience, soothing tones, and vast efforts to help her sometimes difficult patients.

A few weeks ago, she took us to their Covid clinic when my husband had symptoms (we were all negative) and that got us both on the radar as "high risk", so we got notified this week and got the vaccine on Wednesday. Friday night her sister began to have some alarming symptoms, and she triaged her and took her to the ER, where they found a sudden, unexplained hematoma in her arm. This weekend, their hospital found themselves with unused, about to expire vaccine doses. She reached out and connected no fewer than a dozen friends and family members over 65, all on the state's "wait list" of 200,000 with the clinics to get injections yesterday, and was able to get at least 6 more patients vaccine.

These are just a few examples of this amazing woman being "in the right place at the right time" over the past few years.

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@sueinmn So great to hear this about your daughter! Definitely a reason to be grateful, and her training is reaching out to so many. It makes you proud as her mama, I bet!

@parus Yes, there seems to be fewer posts on this group. Thank you for reminding me gently that I need to be grateful for each day. Last weekend I stood in line in the snow and sleeting rain, for my first dose of Covid vaccine. It was supposed to be a stay-in-your-vehicle event, so I had packed a snack and crafts to keep me entertained. There was a snafu and we ended up standing out in weather. But I was ecstatic to be getting the shot! Weather be darned! I had decided to join educators and healthcare workers also in line, even though I am not in that group, due to upcoming medical treatments. I listened to complaints and opinions from many, but could not bring myself to find anything negative.


Today I am especially grateful for my older daughter. It seems that life and circumstances have placed her exactly where she needs to be during this pandemic. She is an adrenaline junkie, an ER Nurse and trained Paramedic, 911 dispatcher and Law Enforcement officer sidelined by Covid last March. While she recovered, she was able to provide daycare for her sister's two little boys while Mom worked from home.

In June she transitioned to a tele-med job for her large urban hospital. In her role, she has honed her triage skills, used her vast network of contacts, and helped countless people. She worked from our den for a few weeks, and I was able to hear her patience, soothing tones, and vast efforts to help her sometimes difficult patients.

A few weeks ago, she took us to their Covid clinic when my husband had symptoms (we were all negative) and that got us both on the radar as "high risk", so we got notified this week and got the vaccine on Wednesday. Friday night her sister began to have some alarming symptoms, and she triaged her and took her to the ER, where they found a sudden, unexplained hematoma in her arm. This weekend, their hospital found themselves with unused, about to expire vaccine doses. She reached out and connected no fewer than a dozen friends and family members over 65, all on the state's "wait list" of 200,000 with the clinics to get injections yesterday, and was able to get at least 6 more patients vaccine.

These are just a few examples of this amazing woman being "in the right place at the right time" over the past few years.

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@sueinmm Great story of being in the right place at the right time and using resources for good!

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