← Return to Some kind of moving "grain" or flickering or snow to my vision

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@jaja122 I'd like to extend my welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds like your functioning is greatly effected by your symptoms.

It's great your ophthalmologist is doing tests. I have a few questions and please pardon me if these are too many questions. May I ask if you have you been referred to neurology yet? Have they mentioned aura migraines? May I ask if you have been officially diagnosed with anxiety? If you have been diagnosed are your providers attempting to rule out all organic possibilities before they send you to behavioral health?

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Replies to "@jaja122 I'd like to extend my welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds like your functioning..."

my field test was good, eye dialation test was good, ophthalmologist assured me its nothing like glaucoma/retina detachment ( i googled that and i was afraid of it ) i am going to a more advanced hospital in the beginning of April and I have the idea that anxiety makes symptoms worse, i have anxiety because of certain things i've changed in my life after the onset of visual snow 7 weeks ago ( in the hope to fix it ) because I have the idea that it's triggered by anxiety.. so if i can overcome my anxiety i would most likely lose the visual snow aswell, I am the type of person that google's everything im kind of a hypochondriac and I can worry over fysicial symptoms pretty quick, I've had the same stuff 2 years ago with my throat.. globus feeling / heartburn, did alot of tests back then and all came out fine.. anxiety / stress can cause ALOT of fysical symptoms.. I am a wise guy and i know how to take care of myself i dont do drugs nor do i drink alcohol but yes.. this visual snow is depressing.. but i MUST evolve to a better version of myself and hope for it to fade away over time / a possible cure would be found.. i'm not the only one experiencing this.. but checking reddit/google everyday and hear other's claiming their snow worsens / it might never go away.. makes me miserable so i rather dont do that, thats why i said i will reply here again around summer.. and about that neurologial part.. i am going to talk someone in the near future ( psychologist ) i needed one anyways because i return to a normal job and have anxiety related to all those changes, BUT i also still want to see a neurologist and will be 🙂