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Our journey w/DBS for Parkinson's

Parkinson's Disease | Last Active: Oct 6, 2023 | Replies (70)

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Thank you so much Maxine for what you have written and posted about Walt’s and your experiences with DBS. I have wondered about it. I am 62 and was just diagnosed at the Mayo in September and am very early on in my PD. As Walt, I have always been a VERY active person. I am seeing my neurologist in December for only the second time. I am probably not a candidate for DBS, at least not now, but the Sinemet makes me nauseous and dizzy and frankly I would rather not be on it. What you write about Walt’s experience with DBS makes me wonder if taking pills, even with side effects, is better. I pray that when it is all said and done Walt is doing so much better. I really appreciate your intention to keep those of us on Mayo Connect up to date with Walt’s further progress. I can surely understand the emotions you describe that Walt and you are experiencing. I feel the same. Resolved to fight the disease, being very grateful for a good day, then depressed, fearful and hopeless. I know that I bring my husband down when I am depressed and hopeless and up when I am on the good side of things. The emotional roller coaster is hard on everyone. I wish Walt and you the VERY best. Take care.

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Replies to "Thank you so much Maxine for what you have written and posted about Walt’s and your..."

Thank you, Susan! I don't want to scare people off - but I think being properly aware and informed is not a bad thing. It would seem that as each day passed, Walt's pain became a more distant memory - very much, as I was telling him, a woman in labor often says, "Never again!" but the outcome is good and the pain experience memory fades over time. Also - I do believe every person's experience is individual and someone else may experience this surgery very differently. As a caregiver - I want to acknowledge that what you say is true - when Walt is down, I am also in a dark place. I am always walking a fine line between being encouraging and reassuring, but not wanting to appear to dismiss his complaints or fears. It can be exhausting. I am so proud of him for being a fighter and survivor! I dearly hope and I anticipate that as we move down this road, we will be reporting a positive outcome. Best of luck to you!

Hi @susan62, I am sorry to hear that you are still dealing with nausea/dizziness problems.
Was your doctor not able to help you with these symptoms?

Maxine, yes so many thanks. We wish Walt and yourself all good luck and follow with interest. And Susan, I am a similar age, diagnosed 12 mo ago, symptoms a\re principally a shaky left arm, some twitches elsewhere, balance not quite what it was but still cycling & some tennis. I don't know if this is right but my instincts are to manage as far as I can without Levodopa etc. Principally to postpone the side effects but also perhaps if its efficacy is limited to 'a period', better for it to start later than sooner. Of course treatments may improve too.