Valium (diazepam) Taper

Posted by hopeful123 @hopeful123, Nov 10, 2018

Hello, I’m new here and I joined this particular website because it seems a bit more uplifting than some of the others. Anyway I took benzodiazepines as prescribed for 8 years. In July I switched to 30mg of Valium I’m now down to 10mg. I’ve got terrible agoraphobia and depression. I’m interested in seeing if anyone got any relief from starting an SSRI—I’ve asked my doctor for Celexa—during a taper? Many of the other websites are 100% anti medication. I’m not to that point I just need relief from some of the anxiety and depression I’m experiencing. Can anyone help? Thank you.

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But then where do I go to find those bookmarks?

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@georgette12 Click on your profile and it will drop down in the index click on "my bookmarks".


@wonderwoman66- Good morning and welcome to Connect. Yippee! You did it! I know just how you feel. It's been a long time since I have taken valium but I remember every little symptom. My doctors gave me something to help with withdrawal symptoms but I was cut off of valium cold turkey. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I used to wake up gagging with so much tension. Someone suggested splashing my face with cold water as soon as it sets in. I tried it and every morning and thereafter I'd rush to the bathroom and practically dip my whole head in the sink. lol. It worked. I wish that I could thank the person who suggested this. Are you also off the other med?


I just clicked on that icon next to the heart. Oh gosh, what does that mean?

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@georgette12 That is the bookmark icon. If you did not mean to click on it, you can just click it again and the bookmark should disappear.


@georgette12 It just means you bookmarked that page that the posts are on.

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@falon and @georgette12

Actually, you just bookmarked that particular post, not the whole discussion.


@falon and @georgette12

Actually, you just bookmarked that particular post, not the whole discussion.

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Thank you for explaining the icons . I'm working my way around connect even though I've been on it a long time. I am enjoying the camaraderie!


@wonderwoman66 You will get there. I have been off the diazepam for at least 6 months. It is different not having something to calm me. Still I feel better as I can feel things now and it is okay.
I have the same thing with the morning anxiety. I try to get busy doing something. Sometimes music helps and other times it seems to make the anxiety worse. Distraction helps me the most. I love drawing and painting but now having more issues with cervical pain causing severe head pain so cannot be creative like I had been. Struggling with the fears that nothing more can be done to help with the pain. Not looking good for now. Keep hitting dead ends resulting in being referred back to pain specialist and he is not going to do anything either. Yes, the anxiety is hard right now. We just keep doing our best.

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@parus You have been off of diazepam for six months and the mornings are still difficult for you? I'm only beginning the second week of post taper life. When does it start to get better? I must sound like I'm whining, but, I feel so lousy today and just want back the life I used to love so much before hitting tolerance and experiencing the anxiety. Btw, did you take diazepam for your cervical issues? That is why I took mine. I was put on it by a former neurologist for muscle spasms. I hope you can get things squared away so you can resume your art. I have exchanged tweets with somebody who does art on Twitter and is currently unable to do so because of her taper, etc. Wouldn't it be funny if you were she, etc.? Best hopes and prayers.


@merpreb I am still on the Propranolol, but, when I see my doctor tomorrow he may take me off of it. I don't know what to expect. When did you start to feel better after you went off of diazepam? Personally, I don't know how you did it cold turkey. This taper and now post taper have been horrible! Did you have symptoms like insomnia, internal tremor, buzzing, depression?


@merpreb I am still on the Propranolol, but, when I see my doctor tomorrow he may take me off of it. I don't know what to expect. When did you start to feel better after you went off of diazepam? Personally, I don't know how you did it cold turkey. This taper and now post taper have been horrible! Did you have symptoms like insomnia, internal tremor, buzzing, depression?

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@wonderwoman66- Good morning. I had help with Librium. I don't know if that is even used today. I really don't remember how long until I felt good but it was a while. I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful.


@wonderwoman66- Good morning. I had help with Librium. I don't know if that is even used today. I really don't remember how long until I felt good but it was a while. I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful.

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@merpreb Yes, they still use Librium. I am a retired pharmacy technician and as of a couple of years ago, Librium was still prescribed by some doctors.


@merpreb I am still on the Propranolol, but, when I see my doctor tomorrow he may take me off of it. I don't know what to expect. When did you start to feel better after you went off of diazepam? Personally, I don't know how you did it cold turkey. This taper and now post taper have been horrible! Did you have symptoms like insomnia, internal tremor, buzzing, depression?

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@merpreb @falon What is Librium? I have never heard of it. It sounds scary. I am doing much better and I hope this is permanent and not a window of wellness only. I was very active today and it felt great even if all I was doing was making mac-n-cheese for dinner, cleaning house, doing a few farm chores and taking a walk down to the pasture to see the rain swollen creek this a.m. This p.m. I searched (fruitlessly, I'm afraid) for a box of socks in my closet, reconciled my bank statement (it balanced again! My checkbook balanced again! Whee!) and now am going through email with an eye towards a nice warm bath and then catching up with the newspaper. It is good to be busy and feeling like I want to do something for a change. I would not have believed two weeks ago I would feel this way now.

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