← Return to Liver transplant - Let's support each other


Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Transplants | Last Active: Jun 22 9:17am | Replies (1606)

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My liver/kidney transplant was 11 yeas ago this month. My annual review has been postponed, and I am doing extremely well. Currently, I am blessed to be receiving phone calls from friends, some whom I haven't heard from in years, who are checking in on me. I, in turn, am thinking of all of you who have-or-will-be joining this support group.

@brianna,, I am thinking about you during these uncomfortable times. You mentioned that you were in in the process of being evaluated for a liver transplant. Has this happened or is it being put on hold until things return to normal? I am here anytime that you want to ask questions or to chat. How can I halp you while you wait for answers?

@manuelhsilva, I have a few free minutes this morning, and I want to drop in and ask how things are going? Are you currently on the list for a liver transplant? What questions would you like to ask?

@joanaiken, I want to say, Hi.

@khh, How are you? Have you made any progess in findind any solutions for your situation? Have you been able to conference with a doctor?

@tjgisewhite, As you continue to move beyond recovery, how are you getting on in the midst of this pandemic?

@beckyy39, I am thinking of you as you proceed one day at a time.

@seahorstmayo, @racing212, @suzeaz, @gaylea1, @contentandwell, @benlam11, @jeanne5009, @stella25, @biteme, @corn50, @1bigblacksuv, @lisamb, @jodeej, @ca426, @shelly63, and all, How are you? What has been happening healthwise since we last met here?

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Replies to "My liver/kidney transplant was 11 yeas ago this month. My annual review has been postponed, and..."

I'm doing fairly well. I was in hospital for a week with urinary track infection

Hi @rosemarya and all! Things are staying stable here. This is doing great so far as past transplant is going. It will be 2 years for him on July 7. I have been furloughed from work so both of us are able to stay home. We order our groceries online and pick them up. We order meals to go once a week and do curbside pickup. Its working for us!

Tim's dementia/Alzheimer's is staying stable since his diagnosis last October. I'm hoping it stays this way for sometime. Fingers crossed and prayers said.

Easter Blessings to all,

Hi. Thank you ! To update, I finally had an ERCP on March 18th. Five stents were placed in the bile ducts and I believe that has made a difference. Initially my whole GI tract was off kilter. I blame it on the increased bile being released. I am now back to baseline "new reality". Good news.

How sweet of you Rosemary to be thinking of others! My son, with PSC & listed for transplant, is holding his own. Staying positive & strong. He recently transferred his care to another transplant center. It was a bit of a process but it is complete & official as of last week. His wait time will follow him to the new center. We continue our search for a living donor & are extremely excited to be working with his wonderfully amazing new team of care providers. Wishing all a healthy, happy & blessed Easter season. May we all be safe & find peace in our pandemic isolation:-)

Thank you Rosemary! I'm doing alright...just setting up and going to televisits or in person visits to the specialists the team requested I get established with. Blood sugars are on a roller coaster right now though so we're working on that. With Lactulose, however, toilet paper is essential and I haven't found any online or in stores here in weeks. When it is stocked it sells out within 5-10 minutes

@rosemarya I'm hanging in there. I, like @racing212, am battling a UTI. My PCP did a video visit on Thursday, called me on Friday, and said he would check up on me today! I have been on one round of antibiotics and am waiting to have the lab results from Friday before I am put on a second round. My UTI is from the Botox that I had for urinary incontinence. It is not the typical one caused by E-coli so I am waiting for my urogynecologist to prescribe since she is the most familiar with this. In the meantime, I am more tired than ever due to such frequent bathroom calls all night.

@jodeej I'm glad things are stable with Tim. Since they are would that be an indication that his dementia is not Alzheimer's?

@stella25 I hope you are able to find a living donor for your son. When you changed transplant centers it sounds as if you did not remain as a candidate on your previous center. Is that no longer an option?

@beckyy39 toilet paper really is still an issue here too. I am using Instacart and Whole Foods and having everything delivered. I always put toilet paper in my cart but so far have not gotten any and we are getting close to really needing it. This online shopping takes a lot of time, I spend more time doing that than I ever did when doing my own shopping. I will be so glad when I can go to a store again and select my own groceries.

I hope all have a Blessed Easter if celebrating, or continue to have a happy Passover if celebrating that.