Thanks, @gaylea1 every time I think about those days I shudder. It really was a nightmare and going almost a year and a half not knowing what was wrong with me is insane, I had many typical symptoms such as low platelets and shaky hands. As I have mentioned before, the PCP I did have called me, on the phone, and very simply stated that she thought I had Alzheimer’s! This was after one HE! She was the first doctor who referred me to a neurologist, but I stayed with him, after I quickly changed PCPs. The neurologist was stunned at that suggestion too, after one episode of confusion, and did a little informal testing, and although he didn’t know yet what was wrong he did know it was not Alzheimer’s. He was the one who figured it was a liver problem.
When I was hospitalized they didn’t know yet what was wrong and the treatment was horrible. It wasn’t much better after my diagnosis either, except for a small handful of nurses.
That it took so long to diagnose me is ridiculous. Granted, I never got jaundiced, and my ALT and AST were not horrible, but I have read that is not uncommon. The doctor I switched to, who is still my PCP due to not being able to find a decent one taking new patients, said when I confronted him about not diagnosing me, that he was relying on what previous doctors had diagnosed - shaky hands as essential tremor, low platelets as ITP (immune thrombocytopenia). My other symptoms were not addressed. I’ve had it in my mind that I will change doctors but have been dragging my feet. Being reminded of all of this, along with him dropping the ball on my osteopenia that is now rather advanced osteoporosis, has given me more resolve to make a change after the holidays. The one thing making that decision difficult is that I have a good communication with my PCP, and I like him!
I have also had a problem withHE and believe I’ve suffered permanent brain damage from it. Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed reading your posts and responses. I can relate oh so well! Thanks for sharing!