← Return to Liver transplant - Let's support each other
DiscussionLiver transplant - Let's support each other
Transplants | Last Active: 5 days ago | Replies (1634)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "@rrichardparker, I want to re-welcome you to Connect. It has been a while since I have..."
Hola RoseMary, gracias por tus comentarios.
Soy Rogelio de la torre, mexicano y vivo en la ciudad de Querétaro, México.
Hace un año y medio me detectaron un tumor neuroendócrino primario en intestino con metástasis en hígado etapa IV y durante ese tiempo he recibido diferentes tratamientos para evitar que el tumor en el hígado siga creciendo, sin embargo es muy probable que requiera de un transplante de hígado a mediano plazo (seis meses).
Quisiera saber de personas que hayan vivido algo similar; cáncer de hígado y posteriormente trasplante del mismo.
Desconozco los efectos de los medicamentos inmunodepresores que suministran para evitar el rechazo del hígado transplantado y el tiempo que se puede vivir con un hígado transplantado.
Desconozco si hay estadísticas del promedio de vida en personas con esta afección, ojalá alguien pudiera aportar información al respecto.
Deseo de todo corazón que puedas vivir muchos años mas con una excelente calidad de vida!
Muchas Gracias!
Rosemary hi girl! Jackie here. Question...October will b 4 years. I have been experiencing
Numbness and tingle in feet and legs. The numbness is always there the feet feel it especially at night. I have had emg test from neurologist and from current test to previous the condition has worsen. He thinks it is due to tacrolimus but if these symptoms r getting worse I guess my liver dr might want to change my mess. Wondering if anyone else is like me....thanks Rosey..love u guys all have a great day
@rrichardparker I am a new member and looking to be a part of a community to share my experiences and learn from others. My transplant started on March 10, 2023 and concluded March 12, 2023 (there was a complication) so I still have moments when communicating with people who can relate to some of what I'm dealing with.
It’s always helpful to hear how others are managing or managed your journey through transplant. I am currently listed for liver/kidney transplant. So far I have had four false alarms. I find that after each one- it’s such a let down. I have had all the prep for transplant down to the shower and IV. Although I am very happy for the potential opportunity, each time... the waiting is hard.