Lighten Your Limbs With Friends

Posted by Retired Teacher @retiredteacher, Oct 28, 2018

Hello all. I have Diabetes 2 and have avoided exercise for over 2 1/2 years. I am overweight and know that I need to get moving and lose weight. I have always had excuses not to do anything much before. I have a treadmill, and I look at it, but I never use it. A few weeks ago, I decided that it is time to lighten my limbs. I received my Mayo newsletter. and it included a twelve-week Exercise Plan. It was like fate that I had decided to exercise and Mayo dropped the perfect routine in my lap. Because it's 12 weeks and not years and years, as some plans are, the Mayo is doable. They're not asking me to run a marathon!
It's a way to get stronger and healthier. However, one part was missing: I need to be accountable to somebody else. I would love for other Connects to join me so that we could celebrate our success each week. I don't want to wait to January when all we hear is "New Year, New You." So I thought it would be good to start before the bombardment of ads for gym equipment and promises to lose many pounds too fast (and gain it back even faster). I needed a plan that will work for me and anybody else, and Mayo has given it to us.
Let's get a jump on 2019 by finishing strong in 2018. If we start the first week on Friday, November 2, 2018 (only four days from now), it will propel us through the weekend and keep us going. Just think: By January 25th, we will have completed the 12 weeks. Just when other people are trying to keep their exercise resolutions, we'll have finished 12 weeks. We'll be lighter, heathier, and stronger. We also will have gotten into the habit of exercising and hopefully, do another 12 weeks. Doesn't that sound good? To be able to say, "I'm healthier and feel so much better and have lighter limbs." For the first time I am excited to exercise, but I need others to come along with me. I need the accountability.
Please join me and give it a try. Come along with me so we can say it's not just my 12 weeks, but it's our 12 weeks. The first week asks us to do 5 minutes of warm up, five minutes of brisk walking, and five minutes of cool down. That's only 15 minutes. I can do that! The walking is the speed that you are comfortable with. The warm up and cool down are just slower walking. It can be outside, in your house, at a gym---wherever you feel comfortable and whatever time of day is convenient. Nothing required except determination and desire to make it 12 weeks.
I'll post the exercise times for each week once we get started. Let's give this gift to ourselves and improve throughout the holidays. If you have any questions, send me a note, and I'll answer what I have from Mayo.
Everybody's walking! Sounds great to me.

Volunteer Mentor

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You might think of this as a great opportunity to try new things and live less rigidly. You chastised me because dance is my exercise of choice and because I like activities that involve my mind and have a component of surprise, liking surfing and skiing. Walking is of no interest to me, and I would die of boredom on a treadmill. I now better understand that you like everything planned out and predictable. When you are unable to follow your routine, it throws you for a loop. However, like you did with your walking, you can establish new routines. As others have said, there are a multitude of ways you can still get your exercise. There are "Sit and Be Fit" and so many similar videos on YouTube. Once you learn the routines, they can be almost as predictable as walking. You can even march in place from a seated position, using soft pillows so your tender feet don't feel like you are walking on shards of glass. In all your years of teaching, I am sure you had students where you had to try multiple approaches until they finally "got it." Now it's time to turn those same talents to your current situation. You have been dealing with a great deal of stress because of your husband's health issues, and this is probably behind many of the issues you are now dealing with. You are so fortunate to have a good medical team. I would definitely take advantage of that.

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@contentandwell Please read the post in reply to me concerning being thankful for every day. The member says I chastised (?) her and that she would die of boredom if she had to walk on a treadmill. I am totally confused. I don't think I have ever chastised anyone on this site. It bothers me that it is posted on the Mayo Exercise program Lighten Your Limbs with Friends. Do you have any idea what this is all about? I am really lost on this one.
I don't remember what report means on the right side of a post; maybe I need to report it. I have no way to answer this since I don't know what it means.
Any ideas?


Carol, you are a very careful writer on this site and I appreciate your positive attitude toward trying to support and encourage others. People can interpret what we say in many ways, but I can understand your good intent in every word. Some people, myself included, have to be more involved or have social support to include mundane exercise in our lives. I love good water aerobics, but most of it is not suited to my abilities. So, there you go. Keep up the sharing attitude because I get comfort from it. Seated exercise does nothing for my gut and that's my fault. I suppose it helps others, however. My shoulders hurt like crazy if I lift them, but I have decided against more surgery. That's my problem. I love the support from this group. Dorisena


Carol, you are a very careful writer on this site and I appreciate your positive attitude toward trying to support and encourage others. People can interpret what we say in many ways, but I can understand your good intent in every word. Some people, myself included, have to be more involved or have social support to include mundane exercise in our lives. I love good water aerobics, but most of it is not suited to my abilities. So, there you go. Keep up the sharing attitude because I get comfort from it. Seated exercise does nothing for my gut and that's my fault. I suppose it helps others, however. My shoulders hurt like crazy if I lift them, but I have decided against more surgery. That's my problem. I love the support from this group. Dorisena

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@dorisena Thanks for your kind words. This is the first time I've had anyone say I chastised them. I tried looking back at all the posts to the member involved, but I can't find anything and there are so many that it would take hours. So, I'll just have to let that go and think it was a mistake and that everything is okay.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter Day.


@contentandwell Please read the post in reply to me concerning being thankful for every day. The member says I chastised (?) her and that she would die of boredom if she had to walk on a treadmill. I am totally confused. I don't think I have ever chastised anyone on this site. It bothers me that it is posted on the Mayo Exercise program Lighten Your Limbs with Friends. Do you have any idea what this is all about? I am really lost on this one.
I don't remember what report means on the right side of a post; maybe I need to report it. I have no way to answer this since I don't know what it means.
Any ideas?

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@retiredteacher Carol, I do not recall anything that could be construed as chastising, but as @dorisena commented, it can be difficult to interpret what others are saying when it is in writing, and perhaps chastise was too strong a word for what @ginaquilts meant. I would not worry about it. Since of course @ginaquilts is also on this conversation, perhaps she will respond on what sounded to her like a chastisement. I absolutely do not think it calls for reporting someone.

@ginaquilts Could you explain to Carol what you took as being a chastisement?

Also, I agree that treadmills are boring but I do it anyway. I generally manage to do a half hour at most and I see some people on them for a full hour. I don't know how they do it. I am counting down the minutes on the treadmill and on the elliptical. Thankfully each has its own TV so I watching a news station with CC and listening to music through my headphones!


@retiredteacher Carol, I do not recall anything that could be construed as chastising, but as @dorisena commented, it can be difficult to interpret what others are saying when it is in writing, and perhaps chastise was too strong a word for what @ginaquilts meant. I would not worry about it. Since of course @ginaquilts is also on this conversation, perhaps she will respond on what sounded to her like a chastisement. I absolutely do not think it calls for reporting someone.

@ginaquilts Could you explain to Carol what you took as being a chastisement?

Also, I agree that treadmills are boring but I do it anyway. I generally manage to do a half hour at most and I see some people on them for a full hour. I don't know how they do it. I am counting down the minutes on the treadmill and on the elliptical. Thankfully each has its own TV so I watching a news station with CC and listening to music through my headphones!

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@contentandwell This just took me by surprise, and I've tried to go back and see where I could have said something that a member misunderstood. There are just too many posts, and it would take hours. As a writing teacher, I try very hard to use the right words and be helpful. I know what it is to write and present the correct tone, but sometimes people just look for something to be critical, and that's all right as long as I know what it is. But this dancing topic combined with chastising has thrown me for a loop.
Things have been so stressful in 2019 that I think I'll just try to ignore it and maybe it will be 2020 sooner! 🙂


@contentandwell This just took me by surprise, and I've tried to go back and see where I could have said something that a member misunderstood. There are just too many posts, and it would take hours. As a writing teacher, I try very hard to use the right words and be helpful. I know what it is to write and present the correct tone, but sometimes people just look for something to be critical, and that's all right as long as I know what it is. But this dancing topic combined with chastising has thrown me for a loop.
Things have been so stressful in 2019 that I think I'll just try to ignore it and maybe it will be 2020 sooner! 🙂

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Your posts are very helpful and encouraging. Anyone's comments can be misunderstood on occasion. Take heart and consider all the good that you do and carry on!


Your posts are very helpful and encouraging. Anyone's comments can be misunderstood on occasion. Take heart and consider all the good that you do and carry on!

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@hopeful33250 I'm just trying to figure out what I wrote so that I don't make the same mistake again, IF that's what happened.


You might think of this as a great opportunity to try new things and live less rigidly. You chastised me because dance is my exercise of choice and because I like activities that involve my mind and have a component of surprise, liking surfing and skiing. Walking is of no interest to me, and I would die of boredom on a treadmill. I now better understand that you like everything planned out and predictable. When you are unable to follow your routine, it throws you for a loop. However, like you did with your walking, you can establish new routines. As others have said, there are a multitude of ways you can still get your exercise. There are "Sit and Be Fit" and so many similar videos on YouTube. Once you learn the routines, they can be almost as predictable as walking. You can even march in place from a seated position, using soft pillows so your tender feet don't feel like you are walking on shards of glass. In all your years of teaching, I am sure you had students where you had to try multiple approaches until they finally "got it." Now it's time to turn those same talents to your current situation. You have been dealing with a great deal of stress because of your husband's health issues, and this is probably behind many of the issues you are now dealing with. You are so fortunate to have a good medical team. I would definitely take advantage of that.

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Hi @ginaquilts, welcome back to Connect. We haven't heard from you for a while.
I feel an unnecessary difference of opinion brewing. As we talked about a while back when you were last on the community - all movement is good. As they say "different strokes for different folks". Some love to dance while other prefer walking. What's important is that everyone choose an activity that keeps them active and interested. If we like to do what we're doing, we're more likely to do it. Finding someone to do it with can also be a motivator.

While this group's genesis started with the invitation to join a walking program, we want to hear from people who are moving no matter the motion. Personally, I like to mix it up. I'm following an exercise program that includes a little running, dreadful burpees, and other crazy things. Every 20-minute workout is a different combination of fun and high intensity torture. I work out with my husband and we have fun together. And heck, it's only 20 minutes. I always seem to be able to make it to end. Now it's such a habit, I just do it - no more negotiating with myself. That's a nice place to get to.

What's you favorite physical activity? What keeps you motivated?


I am currently in Rochester for a 5 year checkup for my cancer and a 1 year re-evaluation for a kidney transplant. Today I got a clean bill of health from oncology so that means I can start moving ahead on the transplant. One of my possible donors is scheduled to come to Rochester in a couple of weeks to see if she can donate.


@marvinjsturing So good to hear from you, Marvin, and to share your good news. There are probably no better words than "I got a clean bill of health." That's terrific. I am so happy for you that things seem to be moving along the right way. I don't think I have been in touch since March. That is the last time I exercised. I somehow developed neuropathy or diabetic pain in the soles of my feet; walking has been so painful that I had to stop my walking routine. Walking worked well, but a side effect was not being able to walk. Maybe I will at some point be able to get back to exercise, but my husband is having heart problems and we have appointments with his doctors all of June. I have not been able to keep up with Connect every day. For now I am on hold.
Congratulations on your good news.
Carol @ retired teacher

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