Lighten Your Limbs With Friends

Posted by Retired Teacher @retiredteacher, Oct 28, 2018

Hello all. I have Diabetes 2 and have avoided exercise for over 2 1/2 years. I am overweight and know that I need to get moving and lose weight. I have always had excuses not to do anything much before. I have a treadmill, and I look at it, but I never use it. A few weeks ago, I decided that it is time to lighten my limbs. I received my Mayo newsletter. and it included a twelve-week Exercise Plan. It was like fate that I had decided to exercise and Mayo dropped the perfect routine in my lap. Because it's 12 weeks and not years and years, as some plans are, the Mayo is doable. They're not asking me to run a marathon!
It's a way to get stronger and healthier. However, one part was missing: I need to be accountable to somebody else. I would love for other Connects to join me so that we could celebrate our success each week. I don't want to wait to January when all we hear is "New Year, New You." So I thought it would be good to start before the bombardment of ads for gym equipment and promises to lose many pounds too fast (and gain it back even faster). I needed a plan that will work for me and anybody else, and Mayo has given it to us.
Let's get a jump on 2019 by finishing strong in 2018. If we start the first week on Friday, November 2, 2018 (only four days from now), it will propel us through the weekend and keep us going. Just think: By January 25th, we will have completed the 12 weeks. Just when other people are trying to keep their exercise resolutions, we'll have finished 12 weeks. We'll be lighter, heathier, and stronger. We also will have gotten into the habit of exercising and hopefully, do another 12 weeks. Doesn't that sound good? To be able to say, "I'm healthier and feel so much better and have lighter limbs." For the first time I am excited to exercise, but I need others to come along with me. I need the accountability.
Please join me and give it a try. Come along with me so we can say it's not just my 12 weeks, but it's our 12 weeks. The first week asks us to do 5 minutes of warm up, five minutes of brisk walking, and five minutes of cool down. That's only 15 minutes. I can do that! The walking is the speed that you are comfortable with. The warm up and cool down are just slower walking. It can be outside, in your house, at a gym---wherever you feel comfortable and whatever time of day is convenient. Nothing required except determination and desire to make it 12 weeks.
I'll post the exercise times for each week once we get started. Let's give this gift to ourselves and improve throughout the holidays. If you have any questions, send me a note, and I'll answer what I have from Mayo.
Everybody's walking! Sounds great to me.

Volunteer Mentor

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@hopeful33250 Thankfully southern NH, where we are, was not hit as badly as expected. The snow has stopped here, and it is now sleet. This is a picture out my FR door this morning. I did not take it in black and white, but it sure looks like I did! We have about 8 - 10 inches of snow. So far, so good. We still have our electricity, obviously.

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@contentandwell Great picture, lovely to look at! We are at 5 degrees with only 4 inches of snow. I'm glad that you still have power. Yeah NH power company!!


@retiredteacher Carol, it's a piece cake if you have the picture in your files. Just go to the link "photo/files" and it will open up for you to select a picture from your files.
I can't believe how many places canceled opening today, last night! Heck, you can't live in NH if you are a weather wimp.

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@jk Where is the link "photo/files"?


@contentandwell Great picture, lovely to look at! We are at 5 degrees with only 4 inches of snow. I'm glad that you still have power. Yeah NH power company!!

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@hopeful33250 I haven’t heard any reports of power being out so we really dodged the bullet.
The roads were probably slippery today so I stayed in, but I’m looking forward to getting out tomorrow.


@jk Where is the link "photo/files"?

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@retiredteacher Carol, it’s right next to where it says @ Mention Someone. Just click on it and then you can select a photo from your files.


@retiredteacher Carol, it’s right next to where it says @ Mention Someone. Just click on it and then you can select a photo from your files.

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@jk I feel foolish. I was looking so hard that I didn't see it. There it is in black and white, and I guess I wasn't paying attention.
Thanks again for pointing it out to me. I doubt I'll ever have any picture to post, but if I do, I'd like to be able to do that.
Hope you are warm and safe. We were in the 40's today with clouds and wind, so it felt colder. But, we stayed in and kicked back.


@jk I feel foolish. I was looking so hard that I didn't see it. There it is in black and white, and I guess I wasn't paying attention.
Thanks again for pointing it out to me. I doubt I'll ever have any picture to post, but if I do, I'd like to be able to do that.
Hope you are warm and safe. We were in the 40's today with clouds and wind, so it felt colder. But, we stayed in and kicked back.

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@retiredteacher Carol, I doubt there are any of us who have not at some time not seen something right in front of us. You should not feel foolish at all.
Thanks for your thoughts. It actually made it up to 42 here today! Hallelujah!


@retiredteacher Carol, I doubt there are any of us who have not at some time not seen something right in front of us. You should not feel foolish at all.
Thanks for your thoughts. It actually made it up to 42 here today! Hallelujah!

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@jk I was trying so hard to do things correctly with the computer that I've become rather gun shy about attempting computer usage on Connect.
We were 58 degrees today and more rain. It has rained so much that we have puddles in the yard---no place for the water to go. The ground is squishy and totally saturated. I think the weather everywhere is just crazy!
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.


@marvinjsturing, JK, hopeful33250, and any other walkers Today is the last day of 12 weeks of Lightening our Limbs with the Mayo Walking Plan. I feel like putting up a sign. I am proud of all who exercise, whether this plan or another one. It is dedication and determination. We made it, and as I said when we started, we would be miles ahead of anyone who waited to start on Jan. 1st! I feel much better and sleep better. I don't know if I've lost weight, but I feel I've lost an inch or two based on the fit of my clothes. I hope when I go to my endo in Feb. he will notice my effort too. I just made my second chart for the next twelve weeks as I intend to continue. It's a habit now and I think it will become more deeply a part of my daily routine from now on. I couldn't always increase the time, but I walked 50 miles or more in 3 months. That just blows me away! Some walked more than that. In the next three months I need to be able to walk faster. So, I'll set my goals and walk on. It was meant to be because as I was finishing my walk this morning, Willie came on and I walked my last steps with him singing On the Road Again. A good sign. Thanks to everyone who walked and encouraged. I'll be on the road again tomorrow.


@marvinjsturing, JK, hopeful33250, and any other walkers Today is the last day of 12 weeks of Lightening our Limbs with the Mayo Walking Plan. I feel like putting up a sign. I am proud of all who exercise, whether this plan or another one. It is dedication and determination. We made it, and as I said when we started, we would be miles ahead of anyone who waited to start on Jan. 1st! I feel much better and sleep better. I don't know if I've lost weight, but I feel I've lost an inch or two based on the fit of my clothes. I hope when I go to my endo in Feb. he will notice my effort too. I just made my second chart for the next twelve weeks as I intend to continue. It's a habit now and I think it will become more deeply a part of my daily routine from now on. I couldn't always increase the time, but I walked 50 miles or more in 3 months. That just blows me away! Some walked more than that. In the next three months I need to be able to walk faster. So, I'll set my goals and walk on. It was meant to be because as I was finishing my walk this morning, Willie came on and I walked my last steps with him singing On the Road Again. A good sign. Thanks to everyone who walked and encouraged. I'll be on the road again tomorrow.

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@retiredteacher Congratulations on your success, you must feel so good about that. I am keeping at it, going to the health club about 6 days a week, alternating between the gym and the water. I find it very tough to get myself to go some days, so I have to push myself but afterward I am glad. I do have a fitness tracker and that helps to motivate me.
My weight has not changed much, I guess I need to cut back further on calories.


@jk Thanks, JK for your inspiration to exercise. When I was first diagnosed, I was so angry that I didn't do anything. After I read enough to know that exercise would help, Mayo plopped the Walking Plan in my daily newsletter. It was a sign. So, I decided to start. With you going to the gym and pool, I was ashamed not to at least walk. So, several others joined, and the walking has become part of my routine. Now, I am thankful I can walk and will continue.I made my walking chart for three more months, so I started the fourth month today.
Have a good weekend.

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