Lighten Your Limbs With Friends

Posted by Retired Teacher @retiredteacher, Oct 28, 2018

Hello all. I have Diabetes 2 and have avoided exercise for over 2 1/2 years. I am overweight and know that I need to get moving and lose weight. I have always had excuses not to do anything much before. I have a treadmill, and I look at it, but I never use it. A few weeks ago, I decided that it is time to lighten my limbs. I received my Mayo newsletter. and it included a twelve-week Exercise Plan. It was like fate that I had decided to exercise and Mayo dropped the perfect routine in my lap. Because it's 12 weeks and not years and years, as some plans are, the Mayo is doable. They're not asking me to run a marathon!
It's a way to get stronger and healthier. However, one part was missing: I need to be accountable to somebody else. I would love for other Connects to join me so that we could celebrate our success each week. I don't want to wait to January when all we hear is "New Year, New You." So I thought it would be good to start before the bombardment of ads for gym equipment and promises to lose many pounds too fast (and gain it back even faster). I needed a plan that will work for me and anybody else, and Mayo has given it to us.
Let's get a jump on 2019 by finishing strong in 2018. If we start the first week on Friday, November 2, 2018 (only four days from now), it will propel us through the weekend and keep us going. Just think: By January 25th, we will have completed the 12 weeks. Just when other people are trying to keep their exercise resolutions, we'll have finished 12 weeks. We'll be lighter, heathier, and stronger. We also will have gotten into the habit of exercising and hopefully, do another 12 weeks. Doesn't that sound good? To be able to say, "I'm healthier and feel so much better and have lighter limbs." For the first time I am excited to exercise, but I need others to come along with me. I need the accountability.
Please join me and give it a try. Come along with me so we can say it's not just my 12 weeks, but it's our 12 weeks. The first week asks us to do 5 minutes of warm up, five minutes of brisk walking, and five minutes of cool down. That's only 15 minutes. I can do that! The walking is the speed that you are comfortable with. The warm up and cool down are just slower walking. It can be outside, in your house, at a gym---wherever you feel comfortable and whatever time of day is convenient. Nothing required except determination and desire to make it 12 weeks.
I'll post the exercise times for each week once we get started. Let's give this gift to ourselves and improve throughout the holidays. If you have any questions, send me a note, and I'll answer what I have from Mayo.
Everybody's walking! Sounds great to me.

Volunteer Mentor

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@jk I hate to say, but I saw it happen when I was teaching. Students don't think and can't figure things out because they are too accustomed to running to the computer and looking it up or asking a robot that tells them the answer. In the last years when I was teaching, if I said, "Today we are NOT going to the computers; we are going to think for ourselves from our own brains." They couldn't do it. It was the saddest part of teaching to see them not use their own brains. We always say about anything we ignore, "Use it or lose it." That's what's happened. They haven't used their ability to think and they have lost it. They want someone or something to tell them.

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@retiredteacher that really is awful, but my son, daughter, and son-in-law were in school prior to the usage of computers.
The other thing that is going by the wayside is math -- everyone uses calculators.


@retiredteacher that really is awful, but my son, daughter, and son-in-law were in school prior to the usage of computers.
The other thing that is going by the wayside is math -- everyone uses calculators.

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@jk I think it probably involves all subjects. Students graduate today and are lost in just the basics. It is just awful.


@marvinjsturing, @jk, We're into Week 10. We can pat ourselves on the back. If we walk five of the seven days, we have 15 days left to accomplish our goal. With the holidays I have days mixed up and dates, so I forgot to post on Friday to start Week 10. Today is January 5th, and we'll have Lightened our Limbs 60 days or more---from November 2 (before Thanksgiving and through Christmas and New Years, can you believe it?) and now we are almost to the finish line. It just makes me so thankful that Mayo started this before the holidays. I have seen ads for every diet under the sun and pitches to buy this machine or that one to lose weight. I am so glad I can just ignore it all except to be thankful for the Mayo Plan. Lightening our Limbs and walking with Willie on the road is a wonderful way to feel better and stronger. Besides walking, I had some interruptions during the holidays, but I'm making up the time. As soon as Week 12 ends this first phase, I'm going to continue. When I do twelve more weeks, that will be six months and then I'll just continue. It is a habit now and when I have to miss a day, I feel guilty and get right back at it the next day. I hope you will continue and come along with me.


@marvinjsturing, @jk, We're into Week 10. We can pat ourselves on the back. If we walk five of the seven days, we have 15 days left to accomplish our goal. With the holidays I have days mixed up and dates, so I forgot to post on Friday to start Week 10. Today is January 5th, and we'll have Lightened our Limbs 60 days or more---from November 2 (before Thanksgiving and through Christmas and New Years, can you believe it?) and now we are almost to the finish line. It just makes me so thankful that Mayo started this before the holidays. I have seen ads for every diet under the sun and pitches to buy this machine or that one to lose weight. I am so glad I can just ignore it all except to be thankful for the Mayo Plan. Lightening our Limbs and walking with Willie on the road is a wonderful way to feel better and stronger. Besides walking, I had some interruptions during the holidays, but I'm making up the time. As soon as Week 12 ends this first phase, I'm going to continue. When I do twelve more weeks, that will be six months and then I'll just continue. It is a habit now and when I have to miss a day, I feel guilty and get right back at it the next day. I hope you will continue and come along with me.

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Yes, right after New Year's, there are all kinds of ads about weight loss diets and exercises. "I lost X pounds on this or that diet." I laugh and think, "I lost 60 pounds on pancreatic cancer, but I don't recommend that diet plan to anyone." And yes, now that I've made it this far, I will complete this 12 week plan and then continue to walk.


@marvinjsturing, @jk, We're into Week 10. We can pat ourselves on the back. If we walk five of the seven days, we have 15 days left to accomplish our goal. With the holidays I have days mixed up and dates, so I forgot to post on Friday to start Week 10. Today is January 5th, and we'll have Lightened our Limbs 60 days or more---from November 2 (before Thanksgiving and through Christmas and New Years, can you believe it?) and now we are almost to the finish line. It just makes me so thankful that Mayo started this before the holidays. I have seen ads for every diet under the sun and pitches to buy this machine or that one to lose weight. I am so glad I can just ignore it all except to be thankful for the Mayo Plan. Lightening our Limbs and walking with Willie on the road is a wonderful way to feel better and stronger. Besides walking, I had some interruptions during the holidays, but I'm making up the time. As soon as Week 12 ends this first phase, I'm going to continue. When I do twelve more weeks, that will be six months and then I'll just continue. It is a habit now and when I have to miss a day, I feel guilty and get right back at it the next day. I hope you will continue and come along with me.

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@retiredteacher Everyone sounds like they’re doing great. Carol, that was great to get this ball rolling.

I didn’t make it to my club early yesterday so I went in the late afternoon and walked the track. I did 3 miles in 55 minutes so I felt good about that. I noticed that other people looked like they were strolling and I was hustling but they were passing me! Then I realized that at less than 5’3 my stride was a lot shorter.

Today I was just lazy and did NOTHING.


@marvinjsturing, @jk Today ends Week 10 for Lightening Your Limbs. It's hard to believe in just two more weeks we will have completed 12 weeks of the Mayo Plan for exercise. Amazing!


@marvinjsturing, @jk Today ends Week 10 for Lightening Your Limbs. It's hard to believe in just two more weeks we will have completed 12 weeks of the Mayo Plan for exercise. Amazing!

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It's surprising how fast the time goes and I have an incentive to keep exercising. Hoping to be put on the active list for a kidney transplant in June. I have someone who is getting ready to be tested to see if she can donate a kidney. I want to be as healthy as possible.


It's surprising how fast the time goes and I have an incentive to keep exercising. Hoping to be put on the active list for a kidney transplant in June. I have someone who is getting ready to be tested to see if she can donate a kidney. I want to be as healthy as possible.

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What a great goal you have for getting healthy, @marvinjsturing. I hope that you find a living donor. That would be great~


It's surprising how fast the time goes and I have an incentive to keep exercising. Hoping to be put on the active list for a kidney transplant in June. I have someone who is getting ready to be tested to see if she can donate a kidney. I want to be as healthy as possible.

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@marvinjsturing I am praying for you and your donor too. I am so proud of you and your positive approach to getting as healthy as possible. I am honored that you came along on the Lighten walk.


@marvinjsturing, @jk Today ends Week 10 for Lightening Your Limbs. It's hard to believe in just two more weeks we will have completed 12 weeks of the Mayo Plan for exercise. Amazing!

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@retiredteacher It really does help when you are not doing it all alone, even when the people you are doing it with are virtual friends.

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