Forteo vs. Tymlos: Which did you choose?

Posted by suze317 @suze317, Oct 17, 2018

I have to make a decision on Forteo vs. Tymlos and am not sure what to choose. Forteo has been around a lot longer, but has to be refrigerated. Tymlos only around 1 1/2 years but is shelf stable and seems to have less side effects and less issues with calcium. Can anyone offer their perspective? Thank you!

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No, the pain has not receded totally. The pain pills really work well. I did have to get up at 3am and take a pain pill. Mornings are the worse when I get up. I hurt till I get a pain pill in me and a cup of coffee. I see my surgeon next Tuesday. I hope everything will be ok. I have been doing some bending and my husband says I'm twisting too. He always seem to catch me and gets upset, afraid I'm hurting my healing process. He tells me I'm not doing the rules. I tried to walk without my walker yesterday and felt off with every step, so I will take it with me today. I forgot to do my Tymlos last night, I have to continue on it, probably for 2 years. I have an x-ray next Tuesday too. I don't know when I will have a dex again.

The surgeon said my bones were soft, but not as soft as he thought they would be.
I told my psyciatrist today that I'm doing well on my Lexapro and Lamictal. I think I get a little depressed at night.
I hope you are doing well, let me know if you are not and thank you for the message. Jeanie


Thank you for your reply. I am seeing a endocrinologist for severe osteoporosis especially in my spine. She is putting me on Tymlos next week. I know it is newer on the market so I was concerned but reports I have read seem very promising,
I know that I will be put on another bone density drug once I complete the Tymlos cycle.
I appreciate your response and having a format to discuss this issue.
Stay well...thanks a lot!

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Hello again @salpert, I hope this finds you well and having had enough time to evaluate your osteoporosis bone-building choice. In the hopes that you might have some experiences to share, I am going to assume you are still on Tymlos and repeat this message.

I may have some good news for those of you who are on Tymlos or possibly Forteo. I may be in something greater than the glory hole. Have any of you worked with or heard of Optum Specialty Pharmacy. This pharmacy only fills prescriptions for specialty medications like Tymlos because of the refrigeration requirements until opened, and the distribution system which is by subcutaneous self-injections. Please let me know if you want, need, or just would like to have contact information.

The reason that I am passing this along is that I am on my second refill and I place a 90-day order to avoid backorder problems with COVID-19. I have been treated like a valued customer and have had no problems with the shipment. j

And now….here is the other news. Last 90 days, my 30-day refills were $300. That is much better than the $1000 every 30-day refill last year with the local pharmacy. This week, each 30 day supply was about $35 with Optum. The order also includes the needles and touchpads at no additional charge.

Do you know what that might mean for Forteo and/or Tymlos patients? Please share your "secrets" with me or ask questions for me to hopefully answer.

May you all be free of suffering and the causes of


I have on Tymlos shots for 13 months and do have minor side effects Body aches ate the worst but the injections are painless and sometimes I have bruising
I have to stay on it another year cuz shoed she progress in hip but not spine. I have a compression fracture in my spine but not pain so I will continue to do injections and have no idea what to do ate two years.


I was on Tymlos for five weeks and lost over half of my hair and my hands, my mouth, and areas around my mouth were trembling excessively so my doctor took me off of Tymlos. I contacted the Tymlos manufacturer I was told that they are aware that Tymlos can cause hair loss although it is not posted on their website as a possible side effect.


I was on Tymlos for five weeks and lost over half of my hair and my hands, my mouth, and areas around my mouth were trembling excessively so my doctor took me off of Tymlos. I contacted the Tymlos manufacturer I was told that they are aware that Tymlos can cause hair loss although it is not posted on their website as a possible side effect.

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Hello @mml1 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for joining the discussion and sharing your experience with members. I am sure this has been a difficult experience.

Can you share what you are taking now and how your symptoms have changed/improved?


I’m waiting for my insurance company to approve forteo in the meantime I stopped taking tymlos and within a few days my hair loss and the trembling has stopped. I am concerned that forteo will have the same side effects because it’s also a parathyroid hormone.


I’m waiting for my insurance company to approve forteo in the meantime I stopped taking tymlos and within a few days my hair loss and the trembling has stopped. I am concerned that forteo will have the same side effects because it’s also a parathyroid hormone.

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@mml1 members like @artscaping @lilypaws may be able to share what they know about Forteo.


@mml1 members like @artscaping @lilypaws may be able to share what they know about Forteo.

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@mml1 Good evening. Thanks for the introduction @amandajaro. Welcome, @mm11. I am just concluding two years of Tymlos and will be moving on to Prolia because I am severely allergic to biosophonates.

I would like to move on to Evenity because not only does it build bone, it also protects it. It is difficult to get insurance coverage for Evenity but it does seem possible and I have yet to read about any side effects. It is the newest of the osteoporosis medications.

May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm.


My Doctor took me off Tymlos due to the bad side effects that I was having. She has prescribed Forteo (waiting for insurance approval). Have any of you had the same situation, if so, how did you do with Forteo?
I’m concerned since both meds are similar that I might have the same side effects.


My Doctor took me off Tymlos due to the bad side effects that I was having. She has prescribed Forteo (waiting for insurance approval). Have any of you had the same situation, if so, how did you do with Forteo?
I’m concerned since both meds are similar that I might have the same side effects.

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@mml1 you will notice that I have moved your post into this existing discussion on this same topic in order for you to read and possible engage with @artscaping if you have additional questions on the information she has shared with you.

You may also to read back in the discussion to see what members have already shared on their experience.

What side effects were most concerning to you while on Tymlos?

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